Chapter 7

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Megan's POV*

What did he mean by that? Does he mean that Harry brings home alot of girl often?

''What do you mean?'' I curoiusly asked. All the boys had amusing looks on their faces. What?

''Harry brings home girls all the time after fucking them at some party. You've chose a good one here mate.'' Zayn clarified for me. I was taken back. Is this what he does all the time? Fuck girls and bring them home? Maybe he's a different guy than I thought he was. 

''Urm, guys this is Megan, we met last night.'' Harry introduces me after giving the boys a death glare. Now usually I would say something like 'nice to meet you' but I decide against that after what I heard. Instead I give a friendly smile towards them.

''Of course you did. Styles is there a particular reason why we should hear the rest?'' Niall called out. If Harry tells them I'm pregnant, they'll  hate me even more. But life has it's ups and downs and you'll never know what'll happen, right?

''I'm pregnant.'' I blurt out. Oops! I didn't want it to come out that way. I slowly moved my gaze from the floor to their faces. They are definitely not happy, their mouths are gaped open. No one speaking back, I'm starting to feel a bit uncomfortable so I started shifting on my feet.

''Boys, can we please get through? She's gonna be part of us soon anyway so you might as well make an effort to get along with her.'' His voice cut the silence and made them make a path in front of us to walk in. 

I started walking forward and took in the detail of the foyer. The floor is well polished with glossy tan tiles matching the mini curtain in front of the window. There were pictures of their families on the wall and random paintings of beautiful scenarios.

When I stepped into the living room I was expecting something similar to what I saw before, but instead there was a mess everywhere. Cushions were sprawled across the floor, pieces of crisps were all over the carpet, drinks spilt on the furniture and the TV was on playing Toy Story. I looked over at Harry, he had a disgusted look on his face matching mine.

''What happened?' I asked. Is this how they keep this room? I hope not.

''Oh sorry about that, we were playing a game...'' Liam trailed off with an apologetic look covering his face. Right, so they seem like messy boys. How will I deal with this? Niall came in and cleared the couch for me to sit on.

''Thanks.'' I tell him. Once I sit down everything went silent again. I don't like this sort of silence, it's too awkward.

''Urm, excuse me. Can someone tell me where the bathroom is?'' I ask. To be honest, I just want to get out of this room with the air decreasing every minute passing by.

''Sure, it's down the hall on the first left.'' Zayn directs to me. I stand up and head towards the directions he gave me.

Once I finished  my business, I couldn't help but eavesdrop on the conversation that was going on in the living room.

''Guys, you can drop the act now.'' Harry frustratingly says. Drop the act? What does he mean? All the boys started to breath heavily in and out as if they were holding in a huge breath. All their faces turned red towards....Harry.

''What the heck Harry?! Why on earth did you get that girl pregnant?''

''What did I tell you about clubbing?!''

''This is so fucked up!''

''Just imagine what management will say about this!'' They all started shouting at once. They are not happy at all. In fact, it was starting to terrify me.

My face turned into a frown taking in the remarks they threw at Harry. I knew something like this would happen. Oh no, they would start to see me as a slut now! I didn't realize that my brows were screwed together.

''Hey! hey! hey! Calm your man tits boys! I know what I did was totally off the line, but come on you lot it was only a one time thing. It's not like I'm gonna do it again.'' He barked back.

''That's not the only problem here. Are you blind Harry? You got a girl that you never met before pregnant! And you think that just going along with it will be OK?'' Louis interrupts. That is very true, but my heart just happened to believe what Harry said at my place earlier on was true.

''Look, there is a living creature growing inside of Megan. I can't just leave a child on it's own with their mother. I'm not going to be a fucked up father who ditches their child. And by the way, we're trying to get along as friends and by the looks of it I can tell you're all not helping at all. Just when I thought I could trust my best friends, they turn out to offend me. Thanks guys, real help.'' Though you couldn't really blame them on what they said. I would've done the same if it happened to Becky. Becky. I almost forgot about her. I'll call her later, this is all too much for me to handle.

''Fine. We'll give you one chance on this Harry, this better not be messed up.'' Niall finishes off. I wonder if I could walk back inside now. I made my mind up to start walking in with weird innocent smiles the guys were giving me. Okay?

''So tell us about yourself Megan.'' Zayn cut in. I looked up and all five pair of eyes were looking at me. Where should I start?

''Well, I live with my two older sisters because my parents passed away...'' I fade out at the thought of them.

''Oh sorry about that.'' Louis interrupts. I'm starting to feel that Liam is the sensible one of them after just meeting them for three minutes.

''It's fine,really.'' I respond back trying to clear away the disappointment. I wonder what we're going to start doing.

''How about we play 20 questions.'' Niall beams. Seems like a good idea. I need to get to know them more, especially Harry. 


''Megan, you're turn. What do you work as. Or if you don't have a job, what do you want to work as?'' Harry asks me. 

''At the moment I work at Nando's for pocket money. But other than that I want to be a fashion designer coming up with my own fashion line.'' I explained. As soon as the word Nando's left my mouth, Niall's face lit up. The boys rolled their eyes at Niall. Of course.

''Cool, look's like you got a fan here already!'' Louis points to Niall. I laughed along. It's weird to think one of my idols are a fan of where I work at.

~~~~ (Sorry, I don't want to spend too long on that part)

After playing 20 questions, I found out some really interesting facts about the lads. They seem quite funny to hang out with, despite their remarks earlier on. What we're doing now is a bake off. I've always wanted to do a bake off. Well I done them before with Becky, but she was too easy.

''Right, today's target to bake is a...Margherita Pizza. And I shall be the judge with my assistant....Batman!'' Niall says in a very posh tone in his voice. The competitors were Louis, Zayn, Harry and I. 

''You better watch out, Megan. Harry and Zayn are the experts at cooking.'' Louis warns me.

''Oh please, I bet you £40 I'm gonna trash you three down.'' I never lose my bets, so if anyone are suppose to be scared it's them.

''30.'' Zayn joins.

''35.'' I reply back.

'' Deal.'' He compromises with a smirk and I return one to him too. You better watch out boys.

~~~~~VOTE: 5

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