Chapter 4

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I put Sydney in her bed and heard her say"Good night Daddy."I ran out to Lou who was watching tv and said"Lou! She called me Daddy!"Slower Harry. I couldn't understand a word you just said."I chuckled and said"Sydney called me Daddy."He smiled and hugged me."I'm so happy!I didn't think she would.""Quiet down or you'll wake them both up."he said laughing.I sat down still smiling adn kept replaying it in my head. We finally went to bed and I fell asleep with a smile on my face. I was woken up by someone poking my face."Who's poking me and what time is it?"I asked.There was no answer so I opened my eyes and it was Wyatt."Morning Wyatt.""Morning."he signed.I got up and slid some joggers on and went downstairs behind Wyatt. I saw Louis and Sydney attempting to make breakfast.Me and Wyatt stood back and watched."Sydney can you go get you brother and dad?"Lou said.She nodded and turned around.As soon as she saw us she screamed."Whats wrong?!"Lou asked her.He turned around and did the same thing."Good Morning."I said laughing."How long have you guys been there?"Sydney asked."About a minute."Louis threw a plastic cup at my face but I ducked and it hit the wall.We all laughed then ate breakfast.After breakfast we got dressed and just hung out as a family and got to know each other better.We found out that Sydney was born on Louis' birthday so of course he yelled"Birthday twins!".Wyatt's birthday is June 25.The last question we asked was"What happened to your real parents?"They both started crying and hugged us."Well,when I was 2 and Sydney was 3 our dad killed our mum right infront of us and raped us until we were taken away at 9 and 10."Wyatt signed to us while crying.We were all crying by the time he was done.Sydney hugged Lou and Wyatt hugged me since I was sitting closer to him.After we cried and cried we decided not to ask any more questions.We decided to go shopping since the kids don't have any more clothes.When we got to the mall it was a little hard seeing as how there were 3 guys and 1 girl."I'll take Sydney since I have 4 sisters."Lou said.She went over to them and they left.Me and Wyatt went into Jack Wills.I bought him shirts,pants,sweatshirts,and shoes.We had 4 bags full by the time we met up with Lou and Sydney at the food court. They had 6 bags full."I didn't need everything I looked at."Sydney said to Lou."Lesson 1,when shopping with him,he will buy EVERYTHING you look at.I probably should've warned you before."I told her."Ya think.I literally have at least 40 shirts.Including one's with your faces on them.Why are your faces on clothes?""Well,we were a VERY popular boyband about 5 years ago.""Oh.It's still weird.""Tell us about it."She giggled as we left the mall."Lou,did you seriously buy her 40 shirts?"I asked him once we got into the car."No.I bought her 35.""You bought 40.I counted them."Sydney said from the back.I laughed and Lou said"You weren't supposed to tell him."He said while laughing."A little to late now."When we got home we helped the kids put their clothes away then ate lunch.


After Louis practically bought me the whole store we left the mall.Harry helped me put my clothes away.I have a feeling I said something lastnight because Harry keeps looking at me weird."DId I say or do something lastnight? You keep looking at me weird."I finally said."You,uh,called me Daddy last night."He said.My eyes widened with fear.I didn't want him to hear that!'I'm sorry. I didn't mean too."I said.He hugged me and said"Hey.Listen to me. It's perfectly okay. I was hoping you'd call me Daddy."I hugged him back and said"Thank you for everything Daddy."He smiled when I said Daddy and said"You're welcome Baby Girl.Let's go see what your dad and brother are doing."I followed him into Wyatts room and saw them having a pillow fight."Uh,what's going on?"Daddy asked."Pillow fight!"Louis yelled.Daddy just casually walked out of the room muttering"My boyfriend's a child."I started laughing and threw a pillow at Wyatt's face."Attack!"Wyatt signed while hitting Louis.I grabbed a pillow and did the same thing.After our crazy pillow fight we went downstairs and ate lunch.When we finished eating there was a knock on the door.Louis answered it and there was a girl that looked like Daddy."Harry!Gemma's here!"I heard Louis yell.Daddy got up,hugged her and let her in."KIds,this is your Aunt Gemma. Gemma,this is Wyatt and Sydney."We got to know Aunt Gemma and I get along with her pretty well. After she left it was just the 4 of us. While Daddy was messing around with Wyatt,I went up to Louis and said"Poppa,I'm bored."I decided since I call Harry Daddy,I should call Louis Poppa.He looked surprized that I called him Poppa,but said"What do you wanna do?""I don't know."I sat down next to him and snuggled up to him."Well,we could watch a movie."Poppa said."OK.Can we watch a disney movie?""Sure."I got up and picked out Bambi then snuggled back up to Poppa.I guess we fell asleep because I woke up on top of Poppa's chest hugging him on the couch.I closed me eyes again and there was a flash.I opened them again and saw Daddy taking a picture.I snuggled back into Poppa's chest and fell back asleep. When I woke up again I felt Poppa kiss me head then say"I love you Princess."I whispered"I love you too Poppa."


Sydney calls Harry and Louis Daddy and Poppa so I think l'm gonna call them Dad and Poppa.Speaking of Sydney,she's not in her room and Poppa's not in his and Dads room. I went downstairs and saw Sydney asleep on top of Poppa. I went into the kitchen and saw Dad there so I signed"Dad,come look at Sydney and Poppa."He was surprized that I called him Dad but came and looked anyways.He smiled,took a picture then went back into the kitchen."You hungry Wy?"Dad asked me.I nodded then he made me some chocolate chip pancakes. Yum! My favorite! After I ate I went up to my room and played Fifa. Poppa showed me how and I'm pretty good at it.I beat the team I played against and started jumping up and down. Dad came in and asked why I was jumping so I told him and he just chuckled. I smiled then went back to playing the game. After a bit I got bored so I went downstairs to see Dad and Poppa kissing. I shielded my eyes and left the room and found Sydney."Don't go into the living room."I signed."Why not?"She asked."Dad and Poppa were kissing."She nodded then continued doing whatever she was doing.We didn't really do much that day. We did get a shock when Dad and Poppa called us downstairs. We sat down then Poppa said"Since you're only 12 and 13 we had to sign you up for school.You'll start in 2 days."I nodded but Sydney started crying."Hey,why're you crying Princess?"Poppa asked while hugging her."I used to get bullied at school.""What school?""London's All Girl school.""Well,you're not going there.You and Wyatt will be in the same school. OK?""OK."She stopped crying and hugged Dad then went up to her room. Well,school should be interesting seeing as we haven't been to school in a year.

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