Chapter 5

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Sydney P.O.V.

I was sleeping when I was woken up by Poppa."Sydney,wake up. You have school." I groaned but sat up. He went to walk away but I grabbed onto his shirt. I reached out for him and he picked me up and sighed. I smiled and wrapped me arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. As he was carrying me downstairs I smelled bacon. When we got into the kitchen I saw Daddy cooking and Wyatt eating. Daddy turned around and saw Poppa carrying me. He smiled then asked "Is someone a Poppa's Girl today?" I blushed and said " Maybe." He chuckled as Poppa sat me down. I ate the me and Wyatt got dressed. We were waiting for Poppa when Daddy started taking pictures. "Do you have to?" I asked. "Yes. It's my babies first day of school." I groaned and stood next to Wyatt. Daddy took a ton of pictures then we finally left. Once we pulled up to the school I got nervous. We told Daddy and Poppa bye then went into the school. We went into the office and were given our classes. I went to my locker and noticed a girl with long blonde hair. "Hi! I'm Leila! What's your name?"she said happily. "I'm Sydney" I told her. She looked at my classes and said" We have every class together!" I smiled as we headed to English. Seems like I already have a friend. We sat in the back and talked. We still had a few minutes until the teacher came in. I saw 2 girls next to us. One had black hair and blue eyes. The other looked like Leila."Sydney,this is Stephanie and my twin sister Aleah." Leila told me. I smiled then the teacher came in... Well,here goes nothing.


After Poppa and Dad dropped us off we got our classes. I got to my locker and there was a kid with dirty blonde hair and brown eyes. "Hi. I'm Kaleb. What's your name?"He said. I signed and told him my name is Wyatt. He understood what I said since he said "Its a good thing I can read sign language Wyatt." I smiled and noticed we have every class together. We headed to math and sat in the back. Kaleb introduced me to his friends Ryan and Leo. I have friends! We talked until the teacher came in.


Once we got back from taking the kids to school Harry was a nervous wreck. "Harry, would you stop worrying. They'll be fine." I finally told him. "Yeah. You're right."He said sitting next to me. I kissed his head as he snuggled up to me."I'm just worried that they'll get picked on. Especially Wyatt." "I am too but we have to face the fact that they have to go to school whether we like it or not."He sighed as we watched TV. He eventually fell asleep.


The girls and I just got to lunch when I noticed Wyatt. I smiled as I saw he was smiling with a group of boys. As soon as I sat down I was questioned about myself and my family. Most of the questions were from Leila. Lunch finally ended as we walked to music. I noticed the teacher as soon as we walked in. He had bright orange hair and blue eyes. We sat down then the teacher said"For those of you who are new today,my name is Mr.Sheeran." I smiled then listened as he taught us the strings of a guitar. Once the class was over Mr.Sheeran kept me after class. "Yes Mr.Sheeran?" I asked. "Tell your fathers their friend Ed says hi." "You know my dads?""Yup. I've known them for about 7 years."" Well I'll tell them you said hi""Thanks. You may go now" I smiled as I left. Music was my second to last class. As I was leaving my locker I saw a group of boys with someone in the middle. I didn't think anything of it until I heard someone say"What? Can't scream for help? Oh that's right! You don't talk. You're  mute freak!" I saw them start kicking and punching the kid in the middle. I threw my books and ran over. As soon as I saw who they were beating up I lost it."Leave my brother alone!" I yelled. They started to hit me but I hit back and gave one a black eye, one a bloody nose, and the main bully I kicked straight in his manhood. The principal only saw what I did and yelled"Ms.Stylinson! My office! Now!"I went straight to his office as he told someone to take Wyatt to the nurse. As soon as we got into the office Mr.Jones said"I'm calling your parents." I gulped as he did.


I was cuddling with Harry when the phone rang. "Hello?"I asked answering it."Is this Mr.Stylinson?" "Yes. Who is this?" "This is Sydney and Wyatt's principal."" What happened?""I have Sydney in my office. Can you and your husband come down here?""We'll be right there."He hung up as I told Harry. We headed right to the school and saw Sydney with Mr.Jones. We walked in and sat beside her."Mr. and Mr.Stylinson, Sydney was caught beating 3 boys up in the hallway after her class."I was stunned as Mr.Jones then said"We do not put up with bullying so we have suspended Sydney for a month." We nodded as we left. We signed Wyatt out early and headed home. Wyatt went into the kitchen to do his homework as we took Sydney upstairs into our room. "What happened earlier?" Harry asked her. "I was going to my next class then I saw this group of boys a little older than me with someone on the floor in front of them. I heard a kid saying stuff about the kid being mute and a freak then they started kicking and punching the kid so I ran over to them and say Wyatt. I got mad and they started to hit me so I hit back and beat them up. I don't like it when people make fun of Wyatt."She said as she started to cry. We hugged her until she stopped crying. "Sorry I got suspended" she mumbled. "It's fine. Just don't let it happen again."Harry told her. She nodded as we kissed her cheeks. She went downstairs and did her homework with her brother. I noticed Harry starting to cry so I hugged him."I knew we shouldn't have let them go to school."he whispered. I rubbed his back then said"I think you're right."We eventually went downstairs as the kids told us about their days. They both made friends which is good. "Oh! Guess who my music teacher is" Sydney said."Who?""Your friend Ed. He also says hi"Harry smiled and said"Tell him we said hi when you get back.""I will."

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