Chapter 7

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After the concert we picked the kids up and went home. I went to put Sydney in bed but she wouldn't let go. "What's wrong Princess?" I asked. "I wanna sleep with you and Daddy." She said tiredly. I carried her to the bedroom and saw Harry and Wyatt lying down. "You had the same plan your brother did apparently." Harry said as I lied her down on the bed and got in myself. "Didn't wanna be alone." She whispered cuddling into my chest. I noticed Wyatt do the same thing but to Harry. Once they were asleep I kissed Harry and fell asleep. I woke up with a weight on top of me. I opened my eyes and saw Sydney. I kissed her head and saw her wake up. "Morning Poppa." She said smiling. "Morning Princess." I said smiling. I noticed Harry and Wyatt were still asleep so we quietly got up and went downstairs. "Should we make Daddy and Wy breakfast?" I asked her. "Yeah. But Poppa,you can't cook." "I have my ways." "We're going to Starbucks aren't we?" "You know me so well." I said smiling. "Now go get dressed." She went upstairs to get dressed while I quietly did the same thing. I saw Wyatt stir then wake up. He looked at me confused so I whispered"Go back to sleep Buddy. I'm just getting dressed." He smiled then went back to his comfortable position on top of Harry. I grabbed my phone,keys, and wallet then went back downstairs. I saw Sydney sitting on the couch waiting for me. "Ready?" I asked sliding my shoes on. She nodded and slid her shoes on. We got in the car and drove to Starbucks. ** Le time skip cuz i dont wanna bore you with the car ride** While in line I saw a boy looking at Sydney. I glared at him then ordered. After we got our food we got back in the car. Once we got back home I saw Wyatt sitting on the couch watching TV. He put his finger up to his lips as if saying be quiet. I mouthed the word why so he signed"Dad is looking for you two and he's flipping out. It's funny actually. He started crying." I sighed then went upstairs in our bedroom to see Harry sitting on the bed sniffling. "Haz,why're you crying?" I asked softly. He looked up, hugged me then said"I couldn't find you and Sydney and I got scared. I thought you took Sydney and left me." He said quietly into my chest. I saw down on the bed and hugged him close. He gets really emotional sometimes and thinks he's not good enough for me and that I'm gonna leave him and that I don't love him. He's been like that since 2010. "Haz, look at me." I said. He refused to so I gently lifted his head with my fingers and said"Harry Edward Styles, nearly Tomlinson, I love you more than anyone. I will never leave you. I just went out with Sydney to Starbucks to get breakfast.' "Starbucks? Was Eleanor there?" He asked with a glare. "No-" "Thats who you're cheating on me with isn't? The slut you had to fake date." He said getting really angry. "She's not a slut! She did it to protect us!" "Wow! Protect the slut instead of your fiancee." He threw a picture at me and it hit the wall. "Calm down Harry!" "Don't tell me what to fucking do!" He threw more pictures at me. I started crying because when Harry was mad he was really scary. He kept throwing breakable things until he finally ran downstairs and left while slamming the door.


Sydney and I could hear Poppa and Dad yelling. "Why are they fighting?" I signed. "I don't know but I don't like it." "Me either." We heard stuff break and then more yelling. After a few minutes we saw Daddy come downstairs, put shoes on, then leave and slam the door shut. I saw Poppa come down while wiping tears off his face. " Poppa, where did Daddy go?" Sydney asked. "I don't know. Now how about we eat breakfast then have a lazy day yeah?" We nodded and ate in silence. After we ate we  cuddled on the couch and watched movied. By bedtime Daddy still wasn't home. "I want you guys to know that Daddy and I love you more than anything else. No matter what happens." Poppa said kissing us then sending us to bed. That night I could hear Poppa crying in his room.


Once I stormed out of the house I went to Niall's. He's the only one who can calm me down. I knocked on the door and Aleah answered the door. "Hi Uncle Haz." She said letting me in. "Hi Honey. Where's Daddy?" "Studio." I nodded and went to the studio Niall has. I walked in and he turned to look at me. "Hey Haz. What's wrong?" He asked. I sat down and said"I flipped out on Lou again and threw pictures at him and screamed at him and accused him of cheating on me with Eleanor then I stormed out of the house." I said quietly. "Harry you really need to control your anger. I know you don't want to hear this, but you need to get help. You can't keep hurting him like this. Especially now that you're a dad." " I know it's just that I get so mad so easily and I can't help it. I just don't want to lose him." I said while tears rolled down my face. He sighed and hugged me. "Harry, you should get help before you do lose him." "I know... Can I stay here for the night? I doubt Lou and the kids wanna see me tonight.' "Yeah. Of course. You know where the guest room is." I hugged him and went to the guest room. I really messed up this time,but I know the perfect way to make it up to all three of them. I just hope they will still love me after today...

A/N       You're probably gonna be irritated by the way I ended this chapter but i  have the next chapter somewhat planned out. Oh! Sorry for not updating. I just had slight writers block on this story and I kinda made this chapter up as I wwent along so its probably really crappy.





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