Chapter 9

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I saw Daddy and Papa walk in with two little kids. "Sydney, Wyatt, this is Ally and Jake, Your new little brother and sister." Papa said. "Hi! I Ally!" Ally said excitedly. I smiled and said "Hi. I'm Sydney." I saw Wyatt get upset that Jake couldn't understand him so Papa went to talk to him while Daddy gave us a snack. "Daddy, can I get my ears pierced?" I asked while he was giving Ally a juice box. "I'll have to talk to Papa about it but I don't see why not. As long as it's just your ears. No nose, lip, eyebrow, belly button, or tongue." "I promise you it'll just be ears." "What brought this on?" "Leila has hers pierced and so does Aunt Gemma. I've always wanted them pierced." "OK. Can you watch your sister so I can go check on Jake? I think he got lost on the way to the bathroom." I smiled as he went to find him. I played with Ally until Wyatt, Daddy, Papa, and Jake came back downstairs. "This little guy locked himself in the bathroom and i had to pick the lock to get him out." Daddy said when Jake sat down. I just shook my head then asked"When can I go back to school?" "Monday. But your father and I have to talk to the principle again about dealing with the bullies. Either you and Wyatt get a ride from a friend or Uncle Li or you walk in the school with us." Papa said. I looked at Wyatt and said"We'll go with Uncle Li. Plus, I want to see Rylie." "To cool to go with your dads hm?" "No. I just want to see my friends and you like to be fashionably late." "True. Anyways, you need to go take out the trash." "I did it last night, It's Wyatt's night." "No. You did dishes last night. Go take the trash out then get washed up for dinner." "Fine." I got up and did my chore then washed up for dinner.


When I realized Jake and Ally wouldn't be able to understand me I got upset and ran to my room. Papa came in after me and asked what was wrong. I signed"Jake and Ally aren't going to be able to understand me."  He pulled me into a hug and said"Don't worry. We'll teach them to sign." I nodded then signed"I'm hungry." He chuckled then we left my room. I saw Dad breaking into the bathroom so Papa asked him what he was doing. "Jake locked himself in the bathroom and can't get out." He told us. We shook our heads then went downstairs. After dinner that night Jake slept in my room and Ally slept in Sydney's since Dad and Poppa need to go get stuff for them. I was sleeping when I heard Jake start crying. I was nervous and wanted to calm him down but I didn't know how. I hugged him then brought him to Dad and Papa's room. I woke Dad up since he was closest. "What's wrong?" He asked when he woke up.  I pointed to Jake, who was still crying. Dad picked him up and calmed him down until he fell asleep. He lied Jake on the bed then went into my room with me. "Thank you for trying to calm him down. You're a good big brother." He said when I got back into bed. "No I'm not. I can't talk to hm or Ally because I'm a wimp." I signed. "You are not a wimp. You went through a tramatic time at a young age and it scared you. If anything, you're strong. I don't care if you don't talk. Neither does Papa. We love you the same. Now, you go back to sleep." "Love you Dad." I signed. "I love you too. I'll see you in the morning." He kissed my head then left the room.


The next morning I heard Jake, Ally, and Louis downstairs. Before going down there I checked on Wyatt to see him on his laptop and then I checked on Sydney. She was just about to come downstairs so I waited for her. "Morning Daddy." She said when she saw me. "Morning Baby Girl." I said kissing her head. When we got downstairs Louis was covered in eggs. "What did you do?" I asked rushing over to him. "I attempted make eggs but I slipped, fell, and the broke on me." He said. "Wow. I don't even know what to say about that." He chuckled and said"Can you make breakfast while I go take a shower?" "Yeah." He headed towards the stairs when he realized something, "Where's Wyatt?" "On his laptop. Whatever he was doing must have been serious. He didn't notice I was there or anything." He nodded then went up to take a shower. "So, who wants pancakes?" I asked. The three kids shouted at the same time saying that they did. "Syd, go get your brother." I told Sydney when I was done cooking. She went up and got him then Louis came down then we ate. After breakfast we let Sydney go to Leila's since she lived down the street. Jake went out back to play with Louis while Ally colored. Wyatt went back in his room so I did the dishes for a little while. Once the dishes were done I went up to check on Wyatt. I heard a voice so I slowly opened his door. I saw Wyatt trying to talk but he was getting frustrated. I walked in and sta down next to him. "Wyatt, what's wrong?" I asked. He hugged me and I saw tears going down his face. I hugged him back then he signed"Trying to talk. I want to talk but I can't. My throat won't let me." He started crying even harder so I pulled him onto my lap and rocked him. "Sh. It's okay." I told him. "No it's not. I just want to be able to talk." He signed. "If you really want to, Papa and I can look into a speech therapist so you can talk to them first." "No. I want you, Papa, Sydney, Jake, and Ally to hear me first." "That's fine. Just take your time. I don't want you hurting yourself. OK?" He shook his head yes then was going to sign something until Louis yelled for me. I really hope Wyatt takes his time on this.

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