Chapter 8

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Harry hasn't been home in two days but Niall said he's okay. Wyatt is really missing Harry since they are really close. "Poppa,when is Daddy coming home? I miss him." Sydney said sitting next to me. "I don't know Princess. I miss him two. How about we go visit Aunt Gemma and Uncle Ash hm?" They nodded so we hopped in the car and drove to Chesire. We got out at Gemma's and knocked on the door. "Hey Lou. Hi kids." She said opening the door and letting us in. Ashton took the kids outside while I stayed and talked to Gemma. "Where's Harry?"She asked,noticing his disapperance. "I'm guessing Niall's but I don't know for sure. He accused me of cheating on Eleanor again and got mad and threw things and left. That was two days ago." "Has he answered any calls?" "No. Niall called and said he was okay but that was the day he left. Gem,I have no idea if he's alive! He could be dead and I wouldn't even know it!" I started crying at the thought of never seeing him again. She hugged me and said"Lou,he's not gone. If he was,someone would call by now. He'sperfectly fine. I promise you this." I sniffled and said"I just want him home. So do the kids." "How about you,Ash, and the kids stay here while I go look for him? I know my brother and should be able to find him. ""Ok." She told Ash and the kids and they came running in. Gemma left so it was just us 4. "Poppa,can we go home?" Wyatt signed. "Yeah." I told him. The kids hugged Ashton then we left. When we got home Wyatt went to the backyard to his tree house and Sydney went to the finished basement to watch her show while I started on dinner. Once dinner was done we started eating. While we were eating the door slowly and quietly opened. I walked into the living room and saw Harry standing there. "Harry?" I asked quietly. He turned around and I ran into his arms and started crying. He picked me up and spun me around. I kissed him and said"I missed you." "I missed you too." "Where were you?" "I was at Niall's the day I left then I stayed at Ed's. I'm sorry." "We'll talk later. now, come eat dinner. The kids are in there waiting." He walked in and the kids knocked him over by hugging him. "I missed you Daddy." Sydney and Wyatt said and signed at the same time. "I missed you guys too." He said kissing their heads. After we ate Harry put the kids to bed then we went to our room and cuddled. "I'm sorry." He said while I was literally lying on top of him. "I know. I'm sorry too." "For what?" "I made you nervous then stuck up for Eleanor and not you." He kissed my forehead,rubbed my back, and said"I'm the one that's sorry. I over-reacted and made you cry. I scared you and made you cry and scared the kids and that's something I'll never forgive myself for. I love you." "I love you too." "While I was at Ed's I was thinking. How about we adopt one or two more kids? I mean, I want more kids and we clearly are good parents. I asked the kids one day if they like it here and they just hugged me and said, well in Wyatt's case signed, that they never want to leave." "Haz, you're rambling again, and I'd love to adopt again. But are we ready? I mean we've only had these two for what, a month? I don't want to rush into anything," "I may or may not have called our case worker and we have a meeting with two kids tomorrow." "Guess we need a babysitter then." "What about Lou? She hasn't met them yet and I wanna see Lux. She's 10 and I haven't seen her since her birthday." "I'll call in the morning now lets go to bed. I'm tired." He nodded and kissed me. I fell asleep happily.


I woke up with Louis in my arms. I smiled and kissed his head then got up. I opened the door to see Wyatt standing there. "What's wrong bub?" I asked. He signed "I missed you." I saw a tear roll down his cheek so I picked him up and held him close. I carried him to his room and sat down with him on my lap. "I missed you too. I won't leave again. I promise." I told him. "Good." I kissed his head then saw Sydney walk in. "Hi Baby Girl." I said. She sat next to me and said"Hi Daddy. Are you leaving again?" "No. I promise." I kissed her head then said"How about we go make Poppa breakfast in bed, hm?" They nodded and we went downstairs. "What should we make Poppa?" I asked as the kids sat at the table. "Waffles and eggs with cool whip, strawberries, and tea." Wyatt signed. "I agree." We started making breakfast and a slight mess. once we were done we took the food upstairs where Louis was still asleep. "Babe, wake up." I whispered. He woke up and saw me holding the food and the kids behind me. "What?" He asked confused. "We made you breakfast in bed. It's an appology from me and the kids decided to help." I said smiling. He thanked us then started to eat. I made the kids and I breakfast also. Once we were all done eating we all took showers. "What time is it?" I asked Sydney since she was right behind me, in the living room. "About 11:30." She told me. I thanked her then called Lou to ask if she could babysit. She agreed then came over. "OK kids, be good for Lou. She's a really close friend of ours and won't hesitate to call us. We'll see you soon. Love you." I said hugging and kissing them. Louis did the same thing then we left. When we pulled up to the adoption agency we walked in, hands intertwined. "Hello. How may I help you?" An older woman asked. "We're here to see Mrs. Mead." I said. She nodded then let us into Mrs. Mead's office. "Louis! Harry! Nice to see you again." She said as we sat down. "So,Harry here, told me you were thinking of adopting again. Is that right?" She asked getting our our file. "Yes." I said. "First of all, how are the other two?" "Amazing. They've really opened up and I feel as through they've been our kids our entire life." "Good. Now, what age and gender were you thinking?" I looked at Lou and could sense what he was thinking. "A little girl. About 4 or 5." I said. "I have the perfect little girl. Her name is Ally and she's 4. She has blue eyes, blonde hair, and is in here because she had no immediate family that could take her in after her mother passed away during birth. The father passed in a plane crash. Would you like to meet her?" We both nodded then followed her out off the office. We saw a little girl come out of a bedroom holding a teddy bear. She was adorable! "Hi Honey. I'm Louis and that's Harry." I heard Louis say, bending down to her height. "Are you my daddies?" She asked. "If you want us to be." She nodded then hugged Lou. He picked her up and started to go back in the office until we heard a little boy say"Mister, you can't take Ally. Mrs.Mead said if she goes, I go." I looked at Mrs. Mead and saw her smile slightly. "Sorry boys. i did promise him that." I looked at Louis and could tell he wanted to adopt them both. So did I. "We'll adopt both." I said. The little, Louis, Ally, Mrs. Mead, and I all went back into her office. "His name is Jake, he's 6 years old, and his parents couldn't afford a baby but they did not believe in abortion so they sadly gave him up. He's Ally's best friend and they refuse to live apart." After we signed the papers, Ally and Jake were ours so we went to the store to buy them clothes and toys and other things they would need. Once we bought everything we went back home. Lou left then it was time to introduce Jake and Ally to their older brother and sister. This should be interesting.





sorry not alot happened in this chapter but I couldnt think of anything else to put

remember to








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