Taehyung {oneshot}

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You walked out to the lounge with a cup of coffee in hand. It was early in the morning and you had just woken up. You plop on the sofa and turn on the t.v . You soon started to get cold regretting your choice of sleepwear.

" That's what happens to people who wear shorts in the middle of the winter." you spoke to yourself.

"Yeah it is." A voice said from behind the door.

You jumped out of shock spilling your drink all over your lap. You shriek as the steaming liquid hit your thighs. Standing up you quickly look at the door. Standing there at the door frame was your boyfriend kim taehyung. He looked at you with wide eyes.

"Y/N, Are you okay?"

" Yeah tae, I'm fine it just burns a bit." you assured him.

Taehyung sighed in relief. As he walked over and picked you up. You squirmed around as your thighs were making the burn sting more. He walked to the bathroom and set you on the counter before grabbing a rag and soaking it in cold water.

"No that'll make it worse,Tae please."

"At first, but it will help for now I promise."

He gently put the cloth on your right thigh where it had turned mostly red. You hissed at the cold feeling on your stinging skin. Taehyung grabbed your other thigh to keep you from moving. He laid his head on yours and pressed his lips to yours. you melted into the kiss forgetting about the burning in your lap. He got closer trying to deepen the kiss and you let him. That was until he pushed his hand on your thigh making you pull away and squeak a little.

"Sorry jagi, I didn't mean to are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine Tae, it only hurts a bit."

"So.... That means I can do......THIS!" He spoke before proceeding to tickle your sides.

You jumped off the counter and ran through the house trying to get away from him. You ran to the bed and jumped under the blankets. You could hear him walk in and stand by the bedside. After a few suspenseful moments you felt his weight flop onto your back.

"Ugh, Taehyung you're too heavy."

He rolled off of you and crawled under the blankets. He wrapped his arms around your waist and buried his face in your neck. You sat like that for a few until you heard light snoring. Knowing he had fallen asleep you closed your eyes to join him.

A/N: this was so bad agh, sorry for any grammer mistakes or anything.

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