Suga {oneshot}

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"Yoongi, wake up." You call out sweetly as you shake your sleeping boyfriend's shoulder. The two of you are supposed to meet the rest of BTS for breakfast soon, but Yoongi is still sound asleep despite the alarm clock that's screeching in his ear.

You study his face for any signs of consciousness; finding none you sigh softly knowing this is going to take a while.

"Yoooooooongi." You sing, a little louder this time and a little closer to his ear as you shake his shoulder with more force. You are rewarded with a soft grunt from the sleeping blonde but nothing more; you roll your eyes and sigh once again. "He really is terrible at waking up." You mutter under your breath as you try to think of something that could wake your sleeping beauty.

You know there is one sure fire way to rouse him, but you'd rather not resort to that again. Not yet anyway. You kneel next to his side of the bed which brings your head almost level with his. You reach over and slap his cheek. The hit isn't hard, but it has just enough force to cause him to furrow his brows and curl his lip.

Pleased with your slight progress you continue to tap his cheek lightly with the palm of your hand. The continuous attack seems to have done the trick; after only a few seconds his eyelids flutter slightly and suddenly you are being glared at by familiar brown eyes.

He says nothing and you two hold a silent staring contest for a long moment before he releases a harsh sigh and rolls over, turning his back on you and pulling the blanket further over his shoulders.

"No!" You scold, quickly snatching the blanket from his hand and tugging at it until only his feet remain covered. "Min Yoongi you have to get up or we are going to be late." You add firmly, glaring at his back.

He doesn't move, but you know he hears you because his breathing is no longer the slow, even breaths of a sleeping person. Hoping to take advantage of his temporary awareness, you stand and lean over the bed to grab his shoulder again, but before your fingers can make contact his arm reaches back and snatches your wrist between his long fingers. Before you have time to react he tugs on your arm, causing you to lose your balance and fall in an ungraceful heap on top of him.

"What the hell, Yoongi?" You grumble as you begin to pick yourself up, but before you can lift your body off his he shifts under you and somehow manages to roll you in front of him and wrap an arm around your waist.

"I think we should stay in bed today." He mumbles, his low voice and hot breath on your ear sends a flutter through your heart, but you refuse to let it faze you. You've played this game with him too many times before to be won over this easily.

"You say that every morning." You point out, twisting your head to look at him, slightly surprised to find that his eyes are open; granted they are no more than slits but it's a good start. "You know as well as I do that you have a packed schedule today and you'll be pissy later if we miss breakfast with the guys."

He lets out another frustrated grumble and you feel his arm tighten around your waist. "I won't be pissy." He presses a feather light kiss to the sensitive skin below your ear, "Promise."

You press your lips together tightly, trying not to let your thoughts linger on how nice that barely there kiss felt and how easy it would be to spend a lazy day in Yoongi's arms. "Nope. We've been over this. You can't bribe me. I won't be broken by your sleepy promises. Now let me go and get your prissy, lazy ass out of bed." You order, prying his arm off of your waist and escaping from his reach. Once you are a safe distance from the all too tempting bed you turn around and laugh at his pouty expression.

"Aw it'll be okay my sleepy Suga Bear, don't pout." You mimic his expression with an exaggerated pout of your own and he rolls his eyes at your use of the one nickname he can't stand. He then closes his eyes for a brief second and sighs dramatically before throwing his legs over the side of the bed and standing. He breaks into a jaw cracking yawn and stretches, causing a series of loud pops that make you cringe.

You watch as he rubs the sleep out of his eyes before turning to face you; he shuffles over, his feet barely lifting off the floor, and comes to a stop a few inches in front of you.

You raise your head slightly to study his face, curious as to what he is doing, but you don't move; waiting instead to see what he will do next.

He stares down at you, his head tilting slightly and one side of his mouth lifting into the hint of a smirk. He reaches and pulls on your hips so you stumble forward into his arms; you are surprised but let your head rest on his chest and his arms wrap around your waist. Cuddly Yoongi is a rare thing so you don't want to do anything that might spook him, but a small part of your mind can't let the fact that you have to be on the other side of town in twenty minutes slide. Though, then he begins to sway you side to side and you manage to convince that small part of your mind that being a few minutes late won't be the end of the world.

You are both silent for a long moment and if it wasn't for the fact that you are standing you would've sworn Yoongi had fallen asleep. A few more seconds pass and you are about to remind him that you both have somewhere to be, but just then he mumbles your name in a barely audible whisper.

"What is it?" You reply, your words sounding a little harsh compared to his honey smooth voice.

"I love you." He replies pulling back just far enough to peck you on the lips and smile softly.

You freeze for a moment wondering what had happened to turn him into this fluffy ball of affection so suddenly. You are just slightly suspicious, but you feel a small smile pull up the corners of your lips as you respond with "I love you too, Yoongi."

He smiles sweetly, his eyes crinkling in the process, "But I'm not going to breakfast."

"What?" You blurt out, too surprised to fully process his words. By the time you are ready to ask him what the hell he means by that he is already back in bed with the covers pulled up to his chin.

You can't move for a moment as you try to keep yourself from murdering your smug boyfriend who is cackling from the bed, extremely pleased with himself.

You flip him off even though you know he can't see you; you then grab your phone off the dresser and send a quick text to Jin explaining that you and Yoongi will be a little late to breakfast. When Jin replies a few seconds later saying that he understands and they will save seats, you smile and set your phone back down.

You make your way to the kitchen and rummage in the cabinet until you find the largest pot you own; you hadn't wanted to resort to this, but after that little show Yoongi is just asking for the ice cold bath you dump on him a few minutes later.

You watch with a sweetly sarcastic smile as he sputters a string of obscenities. "Love you too, Suga Bear."

You laugh at his retreating back thinking, as he slams the bathroom door shut so hard it shakes the frame, that you'll have to watch your back for a while now. Yoongi is consistent in his revenge.

Oh well, you shrug at the thought, it was worth it.

A/N: I decided to make another morning oneshot to make up for the really bad jungkook one at the beginning. Hope this is at least a teeny bit better.

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