yoonmin {oneshot}

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Letting out a long sigh, Jimin picked at the popcorn, casting the occasional glance upwards at Yoongi, who's eyes were fixed of the field. Jimin had never been very interested in sports, but when Yoongi had suggested coming to the baseball game together, how could Jimin pass up the chance? It wasn't every day that your crush asked you, and only you, to spend the day with him, Jimin thought. Even if Yoongi didn't pay much attention to him, the smile on Yoongi's face as he fixedly watched the game was enough to make Jimin's heart melt.

It was funny, Jimin thought, how suddenly he'd fallen for Yoongi. At least, it felt sudden. Maybe it had happened a long time ago, at some point in the years they'd known each other, but only recently had he realized how much Yoongi meant to him - and he meant a lot. The little things that were once so casual, so meaningless between them began to make his heart bubble, and he found it harder to control his feelings. They used to hold hands often (Yoongi never said it, but Jimin knew he sometimes needed physical contact), but now Jimin couldn't help but distance himself physically, because he knew that Yoongi didn't feel the same.

Saying he knew, it was more of an assumption than a fact. They'd been friends for so long, and Jimin had convinced himself that was as far as they could ever go. He didn't want to ruin things with Yoongi - he'd rather keep his feelings hidden than lose Yoongi by opening up. He told himself he was content, even though deep down he knew he was aching for more.

Yoongi heaved a soft sigh, leaning back into the seat and putting an arm around Jimin's chair. The feeling of Yoongi being so near make his back tingle, and Jimin couldn't help but lean forward a little. It was all he could do to keep a heat from rising in his cheeks. "Is everything alright?" Yoongi asked after a moment, his voice a low melody to Jimin's ears. "Are you not enjoying it?"

Jimin shook his head furiously. "No, no, it's not that. I just don't really know what's going on, you know I've never really known much about sports ..." he trailed off, clearing his throat nervously.

Giving him a soft nod, Yoongi sat up a bit, leaning closer to Jimin to watch the field with him. Jimin's skin burned - Yoongi was so close. Before he could scoot away, Yoongi pointed to the field. "Do you know which team we're rooting for?" he quizzed.

Heat began to rise in Jimin's cheeks. He had no idea who they'd come to watch, all he knew was there were two teams, neither of which he knew the names of. "The red one . . ?" Jimin guessed, and Yoongi chuckled at the question in his voice.

"I suppose that's all you need to know," Yoongi said, and when Jimin glanced over, the heat in his cheeks spread at the small smile Yoongi was giving him. "Maybe next weekend we'll go do something you like. We can go to another exhibition."

Jimin frowned slightly. "But you didn't like the last one we went to ..." Jimin mumbled, remembering when Yoongi had volunteered himself to attend an art exhibition with Jimin. All he'd done was complain about the 'abstract modernity of today's art' while talking about how he'd rather be at home playing video games. Jimin could handle the older's griping, but the exhibitionists didn't take too kindly to it. In the end, they were strongly urged to leave the exhibition ahead of schedule, to which Yoongi said a few not-so-kind words.

"I couldn't help it!" Yoongi whined, giving Jimin an exaggerated pout. "But I'll be better this time, I felt really bad when we had to leave early. Since you were so excited about it."

Giving him a long sigh, Jimin nodded begrudgingly. "I was really excited about it." His train of thought dropped off when the people around them began cooing all of a sudden, and Jimin glanced up in confusion, his heart dropping as his eyes focused on the screen.

He had always found it dumb, having kiss cams at baseball games. It made no sense to Jimin, watching two people make out on a massive screen. Every time he'd seen them, part of him wondered what it would be like to be caught so suddenly on the camera - and now, staring at his wide-eyed self sitting right beside Yoongi, he knew exactly how it felt.

"What's that?" Jimin whispered, even though he knew exactly what it was. \

"It's a kiss cam," Yoongi replied simply.

"Why is it on us?"

"Because they want us to kiss."

Jimin knew that, but he knew it couldn't happen. "But why would we ..." Any coherent thought Jimin once had was swept away as Yoongi cupped his cheeks, staring deep into Jimin's eyes. Before he could say anything Yoongi's lips were against his, their touch making his mind tingle and his body melt against Yoongi. Faintly, Jimin could hear the crowd clapping, but his heartbeat was too loud and his thoughts were too scattered. All he knew was Min Yoongi was kissing him, and it was the best feeling in the world.

After a moment, Yoongi paused, leaning his forehead against Jimin's and smiling against his lips. "You don't know how long I've wanted to do that," Yoongi mumbled, and Jimins heart fluttered.

"W-what did you say?" Jimin stuttered, parting slightly and watching Yoongi's expression with wide eyes. "Did you say what I think you said?"

Yoongi smiled softly. "Mhm," he murmured, his voice silk. "What about you?"

Jimin couldn't find the words, all he could do was press another gentle kiss against Yoongi's lips, craving the feeling as soon as he parted. "I think that's answer enough."

A/N: Kyler wants to become an admin on this story/account so the next oneshot or preference will be written by her

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