7 // Make This Go On Forever

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Hi it feels like it's been forever since I updated this but it's really only been like two weeks. For some reason. Maybe Wattpad is wrong. Anyways, I'm updating right here right now on my phone so I don't feel guilty about not updating for a while longer.
Also, as soon as I return home from vacation I'm going to camp without electronics for two weeks so there will be no updates or posting at all. And I made a new cover but I'm probably gonna replace it soon.
Enjoy this chapter, it might be my favorite so far.


// first kiss

// and the first time i felt connected to anything


Jake woke up with Alex curled in his arms. The first thought that came to him was the cold morning after Tom had died, when Jack had woken up the same way. Except that dreary morning, Jack hadn't felt Alex breathing steadily against him, and he had realized that Alex had been crying in his sleep and hadn't woken himself up. Jack had felt alone, trying to protect someone from the horrible things that the world could do.

This morning, Jack could feel Alex breathing against him, and instead of watery tear stains on his cheeks, a small smile graced his face. Jack was still thinking over his conversation with Rian yesterday. Jack had found Rian where Alex had found the pair later in the day, sitting in the trees near the train tracks. Rian's eyes had been closed, and he was sitting against a tree wearing nothing more than jeans and a t-shirt. There had been a sad excuse for a notebook with a torn up cover sitting next to him with a cheap black pen sitting on top of it. The pen was placed in the exact center of the book. Rian's skin was so pale. Jack had been terrified, and couldn't remember moving faster than he had at that moment. Rian hadn't replied when Jack had called his name, he hadn't even moved. So Jack had shaken Rian much more violently than he had intended to, and had been so relieved to find his friend alive, contrary to what other state he would have been in. Jack had stripped off his coat and given it to Rian, telling him to warm up, telling him that he was so worried about him, and apologizing because it was all he could do at that point. Rian had snatched up his notebook and held it close to his chest and provided Jack with a short, impaired tale of what had led him to the woods that freezing afternoon. Jack had held back his tears of helplessness and relief and made foolish promises that Rian knew he would break too soon. Alex had shown up, and Jack had been so happy and relieved that everything was somewhat okay when the trampoline came into the picture.

So Jack woke up with Alex in his arms, feeling warm and happy for once. After spending far too long on the trampoline, Rian had led them to a small shed which housed a space heater, a beanbag chair, and a lot of blankets. Rian had crashed on the beanbag chair and fell asleep right away. Jack and Alex had made a bed of blankets on the floor and drifted into sleep in each other's arms.

Rian was sitting on his beanbag chair, still wrapped up in Jack's coat. He was reading something out of his notebook, lips moving as he read silently. He didn't seem to notice that Jack was awake, and continued his reading. Alex shifted in Jack's arms, and sat up almost immediately with a bright smile on his face.

"I need to go home," he said earnestly, looking straight at Jack.

"Why is that?" Jack asked. Rian shut his book and stretched, waking up in the way that the rest of them were.

"Tom's going to be home. I know he is. I can't miss him. He might not stay for long." Neither Jack or Rian spoke, both of them holding breaths that they didn't even know they were holding.

"Um, how do you know?" Jack finally spoke, glancing at Rian who helpfully shrugged.

"I just do. I knew he would come back. Can we go home? Can I go home?"

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