// Author's Note - End

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I'm choked up while writing this and I'm one paragraph of the way done with the final chapter. (Well I'm done with it NOW aren't I)

I made this. I made this story, this fanfiction, this whatever the fuck it's called, I did it. I wrote it, I edited it, I spent seven, count them, seven months writing this. April through October. That's a long ass time. I spent seven months writing fifteen chapters.

Initially, it was going to be eleven but I changed that and worked out my plot. I loved what I had done, and was actually proud of it. I remembered how nervous I was posting the first chapter, and how all of that anxiety wore off as I grew more familiar with posting and knowing that people didn't hate what I had written. I'm nervous posting this, because I feel like it's necessary. I wrote a fanfiction, big deal, right? (That's sarcasm I wasn't sure what I was doing) No, actually, no. Not to me. Let's take a trip down memory lane.

April 6th- I posted this stupid thing.

May 8th- I thanked everyone for 100 reads on this.

July 15th- I hadn't touched this story for nearly a month because I was so stuck on Chapter 7, the first good chapter. The one where they kiss.

September 15th- I freaked out over 600 reads on this.

October 3rd- I got tomato sauce all over my phone at lunch because I knocked my tray over when I saw I got 900 reads on this.

October 11th- I started screaming in P.E class when I saw this hit 1k reads. I'm still in shock over that.

October 13th- I finished this stupid thing.

Now let's talk about my writing for a second. When I started this, I was okay at writing but honestly it sort of sucked. Go read all of the chapters up until chapter seven. But for a second- I went through so much stuff through writing this and I somehow managed to finish it without losing hope or completely giving up on it.

I went through exams, having someone close to me die, two weeks off of the face of the earth, traveling all over the place, going to two amazing concerts that kind of blew me away and stopped my mind for a bit, living in Toronto for two weeks, the start of high school, and well, tons and tons and tons of stuff in general. And here we are, at the end. This note is sort of nostalgic and lame but oh my god I need to thank people, don't I?

First things first - Una for reading every single chapter and commenting and keeping me sane. daddybarakat for being the only other person who really read it. When I updated and you voted on it almost as soon as it went up I got so happy you have no idea. And of course, Ali and Broccoli for keeping me alive and inspired enough to write this. And Frank Iero, Tay Jardine, and Mayday Parade themselves.

And Snow Patrol what am I saying. Thank Snow Patrol and Alex and Jack and Rian for being this story.

On another note, I have a ton of other fics I'm working on that I'll post eventually so here's the ones I'll most likely post soon.
- Flicker, Fade. It's got Kellic and Ryden and Jalex and Jardougall and it's well written and frankly a beautiful dramatic masterpiece that I'll be uploading sometime soon.

- Ghost Towns In The Ocean. It's a Ryden and it's good it's probably my best written thing ever and I'm writing a lot of it right now so maybe expect it up sometime soon who knows.

And, well, this is it, isn't it?

Thanks for reading, I hope you tried to enjoy.

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