The rivalry ends

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As shaq walked through the halls he saw his friend Leonard, leonard said "ay shaquiyo looking forward to the meeting"
Shaq responded with a quick "you know it my main milky Goddard" Leonard responded by winking at him except Leonard is invisible so he couldn't see it. Shaq approaches room 666 slowly opening the door slower than Bert,  as he peers his head in he instantly turned around because SoFlo was smashing milk cartons on the floor for his latest video retarded milk prank gone sexual, a small drop of liquid milk landed on shaq reminding him he needs to go pee pee
"Uh oh I need to pee pee" shaq makes his way into the bathroom after doing his business he looks in the mirror and hears a voice "Shaq remember what I told you" he looks in the mirror and sees his father Vincent

 Shaq approaches room 666 slowly opening the door slower than Bert,  as he peers his head in he instantly turned around because SoFlo was smashing milk cartons on the floor for his latest video retarded milk prank gone sexual, a small drop of liqu...

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"Dad how are you here" Vincent hastily responds with"I'm in your head" shaq asks "what did you always tell me"
Vincent says "don't you remember there are power in numbers" the Vincent hallucination fuses with Jack to form Jackmonkeysole

"Dad how are you here" Vincent hastily responds with"I'm in your head" shaq asks "what did you always tell me"Vincent says "don't you remember there are power in numbers" the Vincent hallucination fuses with Jack to form Jackmonkeysole

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and stands there menacingly shaq notices fluid on the ground "uh you are leaking" Carrot juice spews everywhere drowning shaq.

Shaq wakes up still on the toilet noticing that about 32 seconds went by "OH YEAH THE MEETING"
Shaq bursts out of the stall like explosive diarrhea, he washes is hands as they are slightly grimy
"What meeting" a voice said shaq looked over 62 degrees  to his left only to see George
"Now shaq you and me both know I love rumors it be a shame if this got out" shaq's eyes moisten only to instantly

Shaq wakes up still on the toilet noticing that about 32 seconds went by "OH YEAH THE MEETING"Shaq bursts out of the stall like explosive diarrhea, he washes is hands as they are slightly grimy"What meeting" a voice said shaq looked over 62 degree...

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punch groose in the face. "You hurt my feelings" he walks back to the door "now is the time for the krusty rusty musty slightly dusty KRAB" he burst through the door only too see Principal Prickly and Kretmi sitting while sipping cups of tea both of them look at shaq then say"we thought you were the janitor" the resume fighting instantly
Shaq witnesses the highest members of the society of the clammy hands stand neck and neck against the society of the pulsating left pecs. "Cmon Shaq, do what's right for the school." Principal prickly said. Shaq walked over to the society of the pulsating left pecs. "Are you little asshats ready to be crushed?" Kretmi said. Then the fighting resumed. Donald trump began by shooting millions of dollars out of a minigun, giving everyone paper cuts. Mc Frizzle bee begins stinging everyone from the SOTCH. "NO NOT THE BEES!" Teneshi cried. Captain began falcon punching, kneeing, and falcon kicking everyone in the SOTCH. "SHOW ME YA MOVES!" He said before spiking snas off his war elephant into a hole. The elephant let out a war cry that sounded like Jack ogre when seeing Vincent get moist. Constantine began angrily firing canon balls at the SOPLP. "Why am I always being used as a weapon...." Vincent cried. "Well it's simple. IM NUMBER ONE. YOUR NUMBER TWOOO."

He sang

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He sang. "It's a living..." Said Vincent. Terry Crews begins beating the crap out of plum, when plum shoves him off, into a wall. "Nah...." Terry said in pain. Plum looked then at Shaq with a mean grin. Shaq got scared like a kid who is scared to get his vaccination from a doctor. Shaq heard Harrybo, his best friend say: "I believe in you Shaq. Cmon and use your goldbond for the sake of the good in our school!" Shaq let out a growl and picked up plum, and threw her at the ceiling. She flew over 6 buildings before falling through storms shack that had just finished rebuilding. "OH COME THE HELL ON!" Storm yelled. Eddy was being edgy as normal, standing against the wall, refusing to fight. He was plain Pokemon go when he saw a diglet on crocodile Dundee papyrus. "Eh it's worth the risk, I mean we did make two other Pokemon Go jokes, three times a charm." He walks over to catch it. The app crashes mid-battle. Oh crap it wasn't worth it. "ELLO ELLO ELLO? WHAT DO WE GOT EAH?" Crocodile Dundee papyrus says while picking him up by his khakis. "Uh, khakis?" Eddy said. "WELL FOR A SHORT TIME ONLY AT EWTBECK STAIK HEUSE YOU CAN GIT ANY STAEK FOR HALF PROICE!"


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He says while eddy is being punched in the face vigorously. "HEY LISTEN! STOP FIGHTING!" A voice says. Everyone stops in their tracks. The voice was revealed to be Au Co, the Vietnamese fairy. "OY WE AH BOOTH AU WE IS." Crocodile Dundee papyrus said. "There's no time! We're being invaded by a greater evil!" Au Co said. "B-But what could be a greater threat than the society of the clammy hands?!" Prickly said. "It's the Miiverse Cringe! They have hated our memes for years and I think they are going to launch a huge attack on our school!" Even Kretmi, and other members of the SOTCH cringe. "We need all the help we can get. This is the final battle, OUR LIVES DEPEND ON IT!" Nobody responds for a second. "UHG THERES NO TIME FOR QUESTIONS, ILL EXPLAIN ON THE WAY, FOLLOW ME!" Prickly and Kretmi briefly shake hands to show a truce, and then they all pile out of the room.

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