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As I jogged home I buttoned up my jeans and tried fixing my shirt that I know realized had been ripped from one of the guys at the party. Just thinking about the party made more tears come to my eyes and as the sobs shook my body I found myself falling down but I put my hands out to stop me from falling on the concrete.

I kept running hoping that the apartment building that I lived in would magically appear in front of me so that I didn't have to keep running.

It felt like I had been running for a very long time when I turned a corner and saw the apartment building come in view and I started to run faster even though my legs had been burning for a while.

The people that were always in the front of the building gave me strange looks but quickly laughed it off but I ignored then as I ran up the steps so I could get to the second floor.

I got to my door and took my keys out of my back pocket but since my eyes were blurry from the tears that wouldn't stop coming down it took me about 3 minutes before the door actually opened and knowing my father wasn't home I slammed the door, ran to my room to get a towel and went to the bathroom so I can wash away the the fresh memory.

I hastily took off my clothes and threw away the ripped shirt not ever wanting to see it again.

As I turned on the shower head I dropped to the floor of the bathtub and this time I didn't hold the sobs back.

The water was put on the hottest it could go and as it burnt my skin I could help but feel a little bit of relief.

I sat in the shower for about 15 minutes crying and hot water hitting my back.

But as I heard the slam of the door I slowly got out of the bathtub and wrapped the towel around my body all of a sudden feeling cold.

I stepped out of the bathroom and tiptoed to my room so that my father wouldn't see me.

Whenever I feel down I always wear my favorite pajamas which consisted of a long-sleeved silk like shirt and matching long thin pajama bottoms.

After I put on my pajamas I wrapped a scarf around my head to prevent my hair from being messed up in the morning. I got inside the covers of my bed and instantly felt at place but since I was lying on my back the part that the water had hit throbbed so I laid in my side instead.

As I was falling asleep I I heard a soft knock on my door and I yelled a "come in".

" Are you okay sweetie? " asked my fathers rough voice.

" Yeah I'm fine Dad " I said softly

" Okay but make sure to eat tomorrow " my father said closing the door.

That's the thing about my father, even though I barely saw much of him and he drank a lot more then he should, he was still the only person whose ever cared about me and for that I thank God.


I woke up with my eyes hurting just a little bit from all the crying that I had done yesterday night.

I got out of bed and looked at the clock seeing that it was 6:15 which meant I had enough time to get ready for work.

I went to the bathroom and washed my face before getting a toothbrush and putting toothpaste on it. I looked up to the mirror and was instantly horrified by my reflection now what soft surprised me was the act that I looked uglier then normal today but one of my cheeks supported a blue bruise now since I had a dark complexion most bruises I had never really showed but this one stood out and I knew that I would need to put foundation or concealer on so that it could be seen.

I got out of the bathroom and went in search of my work uniform, the place that I worked at didn't offer lockers or anything like that so I had to take my uniform home and go to work with it on.

The uniform consisted of a white skirt that flowed down and stopped a little past my knees so I didn't mind wear it, to match the skirt we all wore these pale pink blouses that I adored.

I put my uniform on after I had put lotion on my body and I looked at the clock and saw that I had about 10 minutes before I needed to go.

I went to my makeup bag, that to be honest barely had any makeup, and picked out my concealer so I could cover my bruise.

I put on my work shoes, grabbed my little purse and went grab my keys. I didn't bother making breakfast knowing for a fact that my dad was probably gone by now so I just locked the apartment door and started going down the stairs towards the exit of the building.

Since the place I worked was a little bit of a distance I had to take the bus and usually at this time it wasn't that crowded which I was very happy about. So as I got in I paid and went to find a seat.

I loved taking the bus because it gave me time to think but this morning all I wanted to do was not think because the events from last night wouldn't leave my mind and I dint know how to escape them.

A lot more people kept getting on the bus and before I knew it the whole bus was filled but it was nothing surprising about this, almost everyone in the neighborhood depended on the bus for transportation.

A tiny white old lady with a cane got on the bus but she was struggling and looked like she would be falling anytime so I quickly got out of my seat and went to help her so she could go replace the place I was sitting at.

She gave me a small smile and nodded at me and I guess that was her way of thanking me, but I stood next to her holding on to the pole and I didn't even have to stand there for a long time because my stop came up.

I gave the old lady a smile and got off the bus before the doors closed. From the bus stop my workplace was about 5 minutes from there so I took a look at the watch on my wrist and the time read 6:56 so I started lightly jogging because I didn't want to be sweating at work.

As I got closer to work I could see the "Rosey's Diner" sign come in my view. Rosey's Diner was like any old-fashioned diner that had booths and spinning stools and I lived working there because well I got paid pretty good and the atmosphere there was very welcoming.

I saved up most of the money I got from working here but I mainly used it for clothes, groceries, and other necessary things that I needed.

But the rest was for college, although I would be signing up for tons of scholarships to help pay for my college and I had no doubt that I would get scholarships considering my grades but it never hurt to save just in case.

I greeted all the co-workers but only a few said hello back. I got along with most of the people I worked with but they weren't exactly my friends because some of them hated me for no reason but that was okay since I was used to people hating me for no reason.

I had a a very day ahead of me because I was going to be working two shifts, the morning shift and the afternoon shift, but since I needed the money I didn't mind very much. I mostly took orders from customers and brought them food, so like a waitress, or sometimes I would work behind the counter and take orders from the customers who were sitting on the stools or sometimes I would do a little bit of both at the same time.

I looked at my watch and saw that It was now about 5 pm which meant I had been here for about 10 hours and your probably shocked but I got a break every 2 hours and this was nothing to how many hours I've worked here before and the money I would be making in that one day was a lot more then if I only worked about 4-5 hours everyday for a whole week.

I sat behind the counter going through my SAT cards trying to get in some studying when I heard the bell at the top of the door rang signaling that we had a new customer and when I looked up I was shocked to see who had just entered the diner.

Anthony Gray and his crew.

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