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" I guess one day she just woke up and decided that she had enough of me or I don't know my father, she packed her things and by the time I woke up she was already gone " I said my voice shaking.

" I didn't even get to say at least goodbye or you know see you later " I continued.

" Nothing like that " I said finally taking a drink of water.

I put the glass of water back on the table and as I placed my hands on the table I could now notice that they were shaking but as I quickly tried to put them in my lap, Anthony placed his musclier hands on top of mine and his slender fingers wrapped around my hand.

I never believed that you could actually get tingles from someone but right in that moment I could help the little tingles that started from my hands and traveled through my body.

" I understand you more then you could ever imagine...truly " he said.

And in that one sentence I felt that my mother being here wasn't as bad and that everything was going to be okay.


It was now 6:30 in the morning and I knew that I needed to get up now so that I could catch the bus but I didn't want to leave the warmth that my bed provided me.

I ripped the covers from my body because sooner or later I would have to get out of my bed.

I did the necessary stuff like washing my face and brushing my teeth before going to my drawers to pick out something simple to wear.

I found some dark wash jeans and put them on struggling to button it up. Since I didn't want anyone to see my stomach fat I just went with a simple loose t-shirt that was comfortable.

Since my hair was in cornrows I didn't have to take the time to do them so I grabbed my backpack along with my shoes and quickly put them on before going to get my keys.

I walked out the apartment with the keys in my hands and I took my time getting to the bus stop.

There was only one high school in my neighborhood which meant a lot of students went there, unless you wanted to go to the high school next town but that was about an hour drive, the school was packed and packed with teenagers and that was one of the things I hated about our school.

I entered the bus showing the driver my school ID because students were able to get on for free.

As more and more kids from school came on the bus I couldn't help but feel the nervousness creep into my body.

The bus had pulled up to the big intimidating high school building and I started the short walk to the entrance.

The minute I walked through the doors I couldn't not notice the clique group walking down the hallway.

The biggest reason I hated this school would probably have to be Nikki and her friends.

Although I was ashamed to admit this but Nikki had bullied me since my middle school years and before her friends had just left me alone but after seeing Nikki treat me the way she did her little minions couldn't help but tag along with her and since them I had made it my life goal to stay away from them, even outside of school.

I hid behind other groups of people so I wouldn't be seen by Nikki and as they walked past the people I was behind I finally let out a breath I didn't realize I had been holding.

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