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Anthony ended up not coming by or even calling.

But I honestly wasn't that surprised because one, he left in such a hurry after he got that phone call, and two I don't remember ever giving him my cellphone number. But as I lay in my bed I couldn't help but think that he should've at least tired to contact me after what happened but then again who did I think I was? I wasn't anyone special to Anthony so expecting for him to come back was uselessly hoping for something that would never happen.

As I slowly drifted off to sleep I could hear the front door being opened and I looked over at my clock to see that it was exactly 12:00. My Dad always made sure to get home by 12:30 so him getting home this late wasn't a big of a surprise, but the surprise was the fact that I was still awake at this time knowing that I had school tomorrow morning.


The next morning came sooner than I would've liked but nonetheless I dragged myself out of bed to get ready for the school day. I brushed my teeth while looking at myself in the mirror and I couldn't help but wonder why someone like Anthony would even bother to talk to me.

I mean yes I had talked to him before this year but it was simple conversations and honestly they weren't even conversations more like interactions. But he had actually took the time to give me a ride to the store and even a ride home, Anthony and I had actually hung out and I honestly didn't know what to think about that.

But I cast my thoughts aside as I finished washing my face and went to pick out my outfit. Since it was suppose to rain later on I decided on a simple outfit that consisted of jeans and a jacket that would go over a simple t-shirt with, of course, some sneakers.

As I took the steps towards the front of the apartment building I made up my mind that I would ignore Anthony at all costs today. He was already taking up too much space in my mind and I didn't like it one bit.

I took a stop in front of the bus stop sign and waited as the bus pulled up, just in time. There were also other people from my school that had already been standing on the sidewalk so we all piled on the bus the minute the bus driver opened the door. The bus like usual was crowed so I took a hold of one of the straps and stood in the middle.

The ride to school was always short but today it felt even shorter but that was probably due to the fact that I had been dreading going to school since the minute I woke up. But the bus came to a stop in front of the big school building and I unwillingly got off the bus.

I walked to my locker like a zombie and by the looks some people were giving me, I also probably looked like one.

I had grabbed all the stuff I would need for the day and closed the locker before heading to class. I dreaded going to this class because I had it with Anthony and if you didn't already know I was definitely trying to avoid him.

As always I was earlier then everyone else so I took a seat and waited as the teacher got her material ready. The warning bell rang just as more people started to come through the door and I was relieved to see that none of them were Anthony; he had a habit of being late so I guess I shouldn't have been surprised to see that he still wasn't in class.

The teacher started the lesson and occasionally I would sneak glances at the door but Anthony ended up not coming to class.

I let out a breath of relief as I left my first period because I had survived the only class I had with him and now I could cruise through my day without having mini heart-attacks.

It was finally the end of the school day and I was standing at my locker putting away textbooks that I wouldn't need for homework when I heard a voice that in my mind was unforgettable .

" Aye Rachel! " 

So much for "cruising" through the day huh.

He walked next to my locker and stood beside me before speaking " Look I'm sorry I didn't call or anything yesterday ".

" It's fine " I said still not looking at him. I picked my backpack up from the floor and started going towards the exit after closing my locker.

I pulled the door open just in time to see the bus pull up to the stop.

" Let me give you a ride home " Anthony said stepping out the door.

" No um it's fine, my bus is here anyways " I replied and rushed towards the bus before he could protest.

" Rachel! "

I could hear him yelling my name but I decided to ignore him and instead entered the bus just when it was about to drive away.

I finally started to breathe easier but my heart was still pounding; I wish my heart would corporate sometimes. Being around Anthony shouldn't make me feel this flustered, before when  he would talk to me it'd be nervous because let's be honest who wouldn't be?

Anthony was handsome and he knew it, every girl in the city knew it as well. His face was prepossessing  and his personality was surprising; he was this goofy guy that made everyone laugh but he was also way smarter then he probably thought and it was funny how someone could be so confident but not at the same time.

But there was also a dangerous tint to him and that's what scared me the most.

The bus came to a stop and noticing it was my stop I got off the bus and started the short walk to my apartment. The old men in front of the apartment building were, as usual, smoking weed but I had gotten so used to it that I wasn't even bothered by it.

I got out of keys as I neared the apartment house and once I stepped inside I instantly felt better.

There was truly no place like home. Since I was off today and my Dad was still at work, I had a lot of time to just do nothing. So I took off my jacket and got comfortable on my couch.

I was 30 minutes into this romance movie, that happened to be on one of my TV channels, when I heard a knocking at the door.

I forced myself off the couch, opened the door and was shocked to see who was on the other side of the door.

" Hey "

" Anthony? " 

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