Chapter 8

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I was all dressed and ready to go. I checked my phone once again. Caleb would be here any minute, so I sat on the couch and waited. My legs were shaking and I couldn't stop them, my palms were a little sweaty.

"Come on, you've been on plenty of dates before", I muttered to myself. Although, all of them ended where I had to leave my date, for he was a slob. That explains my good taste in men. But Caleb is different. I actually feel intimidated by him. Who wouldn't? He's powerful, kind, and honest, not to mention his trendy style.

"Maybe he's gay and he just wants to take me out as a coworker", I thought, shaking my head. Before I could drown myself in any more doubts, I hear the apartment buzzer.

"Scarlet, you have a visitor here", said the old man voice in the intercom.

"Thanks, Thomas!" I call out in response. Thomas was the doorman and manager at the reception desk. He's a real sweet heart, and is like a grandfather to me. I tease him about that occasionally. I sprang from my spot, grabbed my purse and headed out towards the elevator.

The elevator chimes as the doors open on the ground floor. I head over to the reception desk, where Thomas is holding a bouquet of roses out to me. I took them and the sweet scent filled my nostrils.

"Your boyfriend is waiting outside", he winked.

"He's not my boyfriend", I mutter in embarrassment. Thomas chuckled and opened the door, giving me a farewell thumbs up. I gave him a small smile and walked outside.

There he was in his black suit, grinning at me. Leaning against his shining black sports car with his hands in his pockets, trying to look cool. He was killing it, so much that my limbs became weak.

"You look beautiful." he said, looking down at me.

"Th-Thank you", I manage to say, "So do you", he smiled in appreciation. Without breaking our gaze, he opened the passenger door.

"You ready?" he asked. I could feel eyes on me. Impossible, they were probably on him. I nodded awkwardly, unable to force words out of my mouth, and got in the car. He closed the door behind me and walked around and got in as well, turned on the engine and started to drive off.

After a few minutes of dead silent driving, he have exchanged awkward glances. I tightened my grasp at the bouquet. This was so awkward, I begged for something to break the silence. I could feel goosebumps rising up my legs.

"Do you like the flowers?" he asked, not pulling away his attention from the road ahead. I winced at his question, which pulled me out of my thoughts.

"Yes, they're beautiful." I reply. From the corner of my eye, I could see his facial expression relaxes in relief. "Where are we going, exactly?" I ask.

"It's a surprise", he answered. His grin returned, making me feel a little anxious. The rest of the ride fell back into silence, but soon we've arrived at our destination. The was a huge fancy restaurant. I looked up at the beaming lights in awe. I heard Caleb climb out of the car and gave the valet parking guy his keys. Another man in the same uniform came to my side of the car, opened the door and held out his hand. I took it and stepped out.

"Thanks", Caleb said to the valet guys, and they drove off with Caleb's car. He turned to me and held up his arm like a gentleman. "Let's go in." he said. I smiled and took his arm as he led me in. A lady in a black pencil skirt and blazer walked up to us.

"Welcome, Mr. Corps", she greeted. "If you will follow me, I will show you to your table." she instructed, and we followed her into a large private room. In the middle of the room was a table set for two. It was lightly lit, mostly by candle light. A waiter stood holding a bottle of wine. In the far corner was a man playing softly on the piano. I couldn't believe my eyes. Caleb set up all this?

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