CHAPTER 6: Breakfast

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Plymouth hotel

June 7th, 2013

Joyce P.O.V.:

I changed into my Freshman of 15' shirt and a pair of black boy shirts, since I figured i'd go directly to bed. I ran a comb through my hair and brushed my teeth before making my way out of the bathroom. To my surprise, Harry laid in the bed, his eyes focused on his phone's screen.

"Uhm, Hey there." I said. 

Harry looked up from his phone,"Nice...shorts." he said, holding a smile. 

I rolled my eyes and sat on the corner of the bed, "Shut up Styles." 

"I got you something." he said, reaching over to the nightstand. He handed me a chocolate chip cookie.

"What's this?" I asked, eyeing the cookie.

"I thought you could use this after the day you've had." he said, scratching the back of his head. That was sweet of him.

I smiled, "Thanks."  I said, taking a bite.

"You're welcome."  he responded, looking back at his phone.

"So, what are we gonna do about the whole room situation?"  I asked, taking another bite.

"Well I thought you could take the floor and i'll keep this huge bed to myself. " He closed his eyes and sinked his head into the pillows.

I rolled my eyes, "Right. That'll happen."

Harry smiled, "I was only kidding. I Just came to say goodnight." he said, now standing up, walking towards the door.

"Wait where will you sleep?" I asked.

"Well, the couch downstairs looks pretty comfy. So, I'll stay there." Harry informed.

I smiled, "You're sweet." 

Harry shrugged, "That's me." He grabbed one of the huge white pillows and made his way back to the door

"Hey Joyce?" he asked, turning around.

"Yeah?" I asked.

He hesitated before answering, "Have a lovely night." he said, his husky voice ringing in my ears.

I smiled, "Goodnight Harry."

He nodded and made his  way out the door.

Harry P.O.V

I closed the door to Joyce's room and paced down the stairs. I hit myself in the head for almost asking her the stupidest question ever. Did you kiss Zayn? I shook my head. Stupid Harry.All the lights were off downstairs, so i'm guessing all the boys were asleep. Liam, Louis, Niall and...Zayn.

I sighed. I still couldn't belive Joyce and Zayn had kissed.How had i not known before? They sat together at breakfast and Zayn had his arm around her every chance he got. It was obvious they had something going on and i'd missed it.

Joyce didn't seem to be the kind to be into guys like Zayn. She seemed to try to pull of the 'simple girl with a big smile' look. But how would I know? I've only spent two nights with her and I was allready making assumptions. I plopped myself on the couch and checked my texts, I smiled, noticing Caroline's name flash on my screen.

I sighed, I'd explained to her at least twice that it was my lucky bracelet. I'd never performed without it. I'd worn it for two years. Never taking it off, now i wanted her to keep it, so she'd feel closer to me, being 10,000 miles apart and all. I sent her a brief explanation. After waiting at least half an hour for her response, I got none. I sighed and turned my phone off, enveying Zayn's new found crush. He would get to live with the girl he likes for a whole two months.Lucky bastard.So, Zayn and Joyce snogged?

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