CHAPTER 16 : Harry Knows.

19 2 0

8:59 p.m.  

Los Angeles, CA

June 28th, 2013

When we arrived at a gas station, not too far from where our bus was parked, I have to admit, it was pretty emberassing.

The people inside the store gave us dissaproving looks as we entered the handicapped bathroom together.Once inside the bathroom, Zayn and I burst into laughs. 

"Did you see the Cashier's face?" asked Zayn, raising an eyebrow. 

I laughed along, "And the lady with the red purse!" I added.

We both finally managed to stop laughing, when my phone started ringing and Louis's name appeared on the screen.

We both froze and I could feel my hands start to get sweaty. I panicked and threw the phone at Zayn. I mean, I had no idea what I would say to Louis. I was such a terrible liar.

Zayn placed it back in my hand, and then we were playing hot potato with my phone.

"NO! YOU ANSWER!" I yelped.

"No, he thinks i'm at the gym." Zayn replied, his voice booming.

"But he thinks i'm out shopping." I responded, throwing the phone again.

Zayn shook his head and tossed it back,

"Just answer or he'll get suspicious."

"No." I protested, throwing it back.

"Just answer the fucking phone." Zayn uttered, throwing it once more.

"I hate you." I retorted, and then pressed answer.

"Hellooo?" I said, in a cheery voice.

"Hey, what took you so long to anwser?" asked Louis, suspicion clear in his tone.

"Uhm, I'm in a fitting room." I lied.

"Alright then, well, I was just calling to see when you're getting back. I mean, the bus leaves at ten..."

"It'll be...maybe, half an hour but, i'll get there before ten, trust me." I replied.

"Okay, well see you then....OH! Joyce, before I forget, have you seen Zayn?" he asked.

I shook my head, as if Louis could see me, "Uhm, nope. Haven't seen him all day." I felt my voicestart to get shaky. I was such a horrible liar.

"Alright then, talk to you soon." he said. I hung up and sighed. That was a close one.

Zayn looked at me, anxious. "What'd he say?" he asked.

"Nothing. He just wants to know when i'll get back. and-" Just then, Zayn's phone rang.

His eyes widened and Isaw him panic."Just sound chill. He has no reason to doubt you."

Zayn nodded and anwsered, "Yo?" he said.

I giggled silently, "Not that chill." I whispered.

Zayn made a 'sshhh' gesture, a concentrated look covering his face.

"Yeah....No just leaving the I haven't seen her.....twenty minutes tops.....yah sure....Save us a slice.....i mean me....yeah just me." Zayn laughed nervously and I felt myself get tense.

He'd said 'us'. "Yeah man.....alright...okay.....bye." Zayn hung up and sighed, "Gawd your brother is a smart ass."

I nodded, indeed he was.

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