The Determination

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“If you don’t design your own life plan, chances are you’ll fall into someone else’s plan. And guess what they have planned for you? Not much.”

Incessant ringing of the cell phone beeps woke me up, tearing the last threads of my slumber. I rubbed my eyes to see the time. It was eight o’clock, I turned off the alarm. I lazily sat up, dangling my legs on one side and stretched my body to the fullest. Wearing the slippers, I padded to the balcony. Fresh breeze stroked my stubble face. Thank God! It’s not burning like Jaipur.

I quickly got fresh and changed into the two piece suit, meanwhile Bharat got up and got fresh. I thought to order breakfast in the room itself to save time of having it in the restaurant and waste precious time. 

“Let’s go.” Bharat said, fixing his cufflinks.

“Wait. I’ve ordered breakfast in the room.” I combed my hair and fixed my tie which I didn’t wear generally.

“Okay.” Getting done with our breakfast, we rushed to the hotel where the meeting was scheduled. 

“Nice meeting you, Mr. Chauhan.” Mr. Lalwani straightened his coat and stretched out his hand.

I gently met his. “Likewise, sir. So, shall we start?”

“Sure!” We sat in the circular table and Mr. Mehta managed to have the opportunity to do the presentation first. In reflex, as we’d planned, Bharat presented his part and like out of the evens, our odd won out. The meeting went well and we managed to save the deal in our favor. The next two hours of discussion and treaties, we decided to have the further discourse over lunch.

“So, Mr. Chauhan! How’d you managed to establish this company so far? You’re quiet young.” Mr. Lalwani put up the topic.

I laughed it off, “The fame and name this company has established is not exclusively mine and it has the major portion of dad’s penchant and dedication towards it.” 

“Our workers, each and every person who’s associated with this company has a right to get the credit.” I added sincerely.

“So that means you’re bestowed with a full-fledged empire?” He smirked and I shook my head, stabbing the fish. “No, you can’t say that. The moment I came back to India, dad suggested me to join the company and I didn’t join it as CEO, I was the marketing head at first. So I’ve earned this name and this empire.”

“I see!” He sipped his drink, “When are you planning to get married? Any girlfriend yet?”

I laughed again. “Didn’t you just tell me that I am quite young? I would love to enjoy bachelorhood for a while.”

The lunch got over and Bharat and I headed to our suite. He was fidgeting with his cell phone when I plopped beside him, decreasing the temperature.

“What are you doing?”

“Was just browsing about the tourist spots here. I mean why not we roam around a little and then go back to Jaipur tonight.” He murmured, still gluing his eyes to the screen.

“That sounds interesting.”

Shree’s Perspective

“Hey guys? Let’s hop to the dolphin hill. I searched about it in the Google and it told me this is the highest point in Ooty and provides breathtaking views. What say?” I asked excitedly to everyone when we were having lunch.

“That is risky, Shree!! I think you should disown this thought.” Mrigank opposed as predicted.

“No, I want to click some pictures from there because the view is very nice. Please don’t say no.” I implored, he was musing but he shook his head. “That’s still risky. I am out of this.”

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