The Bucketful Love

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"Not until I felt your sunshine,
Did I realize that I had been in the shade.
Not until I saw all your colors,
did I realize that mine had faded.
Not until I heard your dreams,
did I realize that I was still sleeping.
And not until I experienced my life with you,
did I realize that I was barely breathing."

Shree's Perspective

My phone cried on its verge breaking my sleep and I groped for it. Abhimanyu groaned in my neck and rubbed his nose against my shoulder; sleeping and I slid the pattern, picking up the call.
"Hello?" I asked groggily, removing myself from his arm cage. Reluctantly, but he let me shift other side.
"Hello! Shree, where are you guys? It's one am and there's no sign of you. Are you staying the night out?" My eyes were wide-awake at this and I popped up, desperately shaking Abhimanyu from good hand, "No, bhabhi. We are just coming."
"Are you guys alright?" She was concerned and that just added to my humiliation because I knew everyone must be awake by then. "Yes yes. We're fine. We're just coming, don't worry."

"Okay. Come fast, everyone's waiting." I squeezed shut my eyes. How badly I wish it to be true!
Cutting the call, I threw the cell phone on mattress and looked around, the lanterns were dim and some of them were flickered off. The night was on its full charm and no soul around to be seen.
"Abhimanyu get up! We've to go home." I shook him for umpteenth time but he just didn't buzz. I mean he did, actually he would get up; kiss me and holding me in arms fly off to his dreamland.
"Get up please! Everyone is waiting at home." I whined, shaking him and he rubbed his eyes, "What?"
"Bhabhi called. We need to go home." I apprised, getting up and grabbing the poly bag, stuffed the boxes and empty plates in it.
"Anything serious?" He asked vigilant and I shook my head, "No, they are just worried. Now get up fast and help me."
He got up and started folding the mattress, meanwhile I cleared off the ground and flickered out lanterns, since that's paper lanterns, it would be blown with the wind. Stuffing everything in backseat, I sat on the driver's seat, tightening belt around me and he slipped on the passenger one, leaning his head back on the leatherette headrest.
"Where were you? Is this the way?" Mom charged at Abhimanyu the moment we stepped in the house and I stood silent by his side.
"Look at the time! It's half past two in the night and we had no clue where you guys were! I didn't expect it from you Shree." This time, she glared me too and I looked down, nipping on my lip.
"Mom, I forgot to tell you, there's this little get-together at Bharat's home and after dinner, we slept and it just slipped out of my mind to inform you." Abhimanyu fabricated rubbing his forehead, trying to convince them.
Elders exchanged glances and Dada chuckled at this. I frowned and wiggled my eyebrows at Vidhi bhabhi questionably and she grinned at me, shaking head.
There's something wrong. Definitely.
As on cue, Abhimanyu's cell rang and looking at caller ID, color drained out of his face.
"Yeah Bharat!" He picked the call, "Yea...what? Okay! Yes. I'm home now....nowhere. I'll call you tomorrow, good night." With a series of that, he cut the call and my sharp intuitions were apprising that his lie had been detected.
"That's okay. Just don't forget to inform me if you guys are going to spend the night out." She smiled warmly at us and I gazed down, totally scarlet.
"Alright! Everyone go back to sleep. Goodnight!" Badi ma bid, getting up and Bade papa followed her. Everyone dispersed to their room and I wished I were a vampire, I would be able to run at light speed.
"Why did Bharat call you?" I demanded the moment we're in our room and he smirked, plopping on the bed "You didn't get gist now?"
"I did and that's pretty embarrassing." I twitched my lips and he nodded, "If you think that Bharat was called to get our info, that's yes. If you think everyone knew that I was lying, that's yes again. And..." He paused and pulled me, so that I fell over him, "If you think they know what happened between us, that's also a yes."
"How?" I blinked rapidly and he traced my lips with his thumb, "Your lipstick is completely smudged. I hope you know what that means!"
"Shay!" I groaned, covering my face "How am I going to face them tomorrow?" He shifted back giving me room and propped his weight on elbow, "Humph...I've a great idea. Why don't you stay in here for the rest of the day with me?"
I made a face at this, "Ha-ha. Not funny. You landed me in here and now-"
"Sleep. I don't want you to wake up with baggy eyes and infuse life into everyone's wild imagination." He chuckled pulling me to him and wrapped an arm around me, patting my head with another.
"Good night!" I murmured and my sleep laden eyes drifted into kip.

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