Extras (1)

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"Here! His milk bottle. Diapers. Extra pants. And pacifier." I hand him the things, unsure and gaze at my baby who's sleeping peacefully in his arms.

"Don't worry. I will manage everything. You go and enjoy." Abhimanyu presses a chaste salute on my forehead and I grip his shirt, tightly in my hands, pouting "I am not feeling like. I mean are you sure, you will manage him? He cries a lot if he doesn't find me after waking up."

"Chill." He tips my chin between his two fingers and pecks my lips, murmuring, "This is not the first time. Remember, when I took him to office with me. He didn't disturb me a bit."

"He was just one month then."

"So what? He's eight months now." Abhimanyu shrugs as if it isn't a big deal. I am still not convinced but I hope it all finish well.

"Call me if he begins difficult." I murmur, kissing ayansh's forehead and abhimanyu hums, making me roll my eyes. Taking my bag, I stroll to the door when abhimanyu clasps my wrist and I halt in my steps. Whipping back, I wiggle my eyebrows at him questionably and he smiles, that I smile I know it very well.

"No." I refrain as I see the look on his face and he wordlessly put ayansh on the bed, tucking him inside his baby blanket, maneuvering everything with his one hand while his other good hand has annexed mine in vice grip.

"Not now, abhimanyu." I widen my eyes as his hands scoops me up in his arms and he trudges to the room, next to ours and gently puts me on the bed, coming over me. It has become our little escape. Ayansh wakes up at the sound of sneeze even and having him next while we both are burning in desire, is something which I will never allow.

"Nop—" My protest dilutes in his mouth as his ardent lips draws down on mine, leaving no room for rejection. Sparks generates in my whole body and I grip his nape, pulling him over me.

"I must go now, else I will be late." I gasp, closing my eyes and he peppers kisses on my jawline, tracing his hands all over my body.

"You won't. There's.....still...time." He murmurs between sprinkling kisses all over my neck and nibbles my earlobe, "Where's his....baby food?"

"I've kept that..." I sigh, discarding his T-shirt and throw it aside, helping him to remove mine, "...in first drawer. There's some bananas...in fridge. You need to mash them and make a paste with milk....and..Ah.... feed it to ayansh."

"I got that." He breathes out, smiling and tugs my lower lip gently before coming back to business. His quickies are as fresh and exciting as if we are having some fling. Sex like this feels a little collegey. This guys who happens to be my husband and father of a son never ceases to amaze me with his abilities.

"Now, do you see the time? I will be late." I groan, putting on my clothes and he shifts his balance on the pillow, propping it under his forearms, "You aren't Darling. You are just worrying."

"Wait a sec.." I pose him a look, "Why do you think I am worrying? It's not the first meeting of my life." To be honest, yes i am worrying. After prominent, two years I have decided to join back the office, of course in Udaipur and I am nervous as if it is the first time I am going to office.

"I know." He gets up, hiding his nudity with his pants and cages me in a back hug, burying his face in my hair, "That's why I am saying, do not be nervous. You will do magic." He kisses my hair, murmuring and I immediately relax.

"I am not worried about that. I mean I am but not completely for that." I burble, disclosing my heart's chambers, "Ayansh still needs my full attention and I don't want to compromise it with my career. I can join back when he is five or six."

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