The 25th of December

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"Wakey, wakey," Rob whispers in Kristen's ear, his voice hoarse and husky. She wakes up slowly, stretching her body, a smile spreading on her lips. "Good morning, sleepyhead," Rob says chuckling when she opens her eyes and looks at him. She places a short kiss on his lips.

"Merry Christmas," he tells her smiling, pulling her closer. "Merry Christmas indeed," Kristen mumbles when she feels Rob poking into her stomach. Bringing her hand down to his crotch, she strokes him lightly, a smirk forming on her lips. She starts kissing him, hitching her leg around his waist and slowly grinding against him. "I'd love to, baby, but we have to be at my parents' in twenty minutes," he mumbles pained around her tongue. Pulling back reluctantly, he grabs her hands in his own and removes her leg from him. "We can do a lot in twenty minutes," she points out, reaching out for his lips with her own. He lets her peck his lips twice before he pulls away again. "I know, but I've got a gift for you before we leave."

"Can that gift be to fuck me senseless?" Kristen begs, starting to grind slowly against Rob again. He chuckles. "Jesus Christ, I forgot how horny you are in the morning." She wraps her small hand around him and strokes him in response, making him let out a guttural moan.

"Kristen, I'm serious, I have a gift for you before we go over to my parents," he says, grabbing her wrists to prevent her from touching him.

"Okay, fine, as long as you fuck me later today," Kristen tells him as he gets up from the bed. He winks at her in response, stepping into his boxers and pulling them up over his hips. She pouts as her favourite part of his body is covered. Rob opens the drawer in the nightstand, pulls out a small, red package with a white bow and hands it to Kristen. "Here," he says, rubbing his neck. She takes it and looks up at him with a slightly furrowed brow before she opens it. She tears the paper and a small, black box is revealed, most likely containing some kind of jewellery. Rob rarely ever gives her jewellery, and when he does, there's always an extra special occasion causing the piece to always means something extra special to her. Like her necklace, her bracelet and her gold ring.

So when she opens the lid and sees that there's a simple ring with one small black stone nestled in the black velvet, she gulps slightly. She looks up at him to get any clues as to what the reason he's giving her such a beautiful ring is and gasps when she sees him, on the floor, down on one knee. Her eyes widen and her heart starts beating faster. "Fuck," she mutters.

"Breathe, love," he says, chuckling slightly, though really nervous himself. She takes a deep, shaky breath.

"Kristen, I know that we aren't even officially back together, but I love you. I'm so deeply and unconditionally in love with you, and I've been all along, from the moment I looked into your green eyes for the first time. Sure, there've been bad times, and there will still be, but I am willing to face bad times as long as I face them with you. Truth is, love, I've been miserable these past months without you. Now that you're here, back, with me, I'm not letting you go. My life simply doesn't make sense without you in it, Kris. I could never say 'I do' to anyone but you, and when I hold my first child, I want to look into a replica of your green eyes, the ones I fell in love with all those years ago. So Kristen, will you make me the happiest fucking bastard on this planet and marry me?"

The tears are slowly running down Kristen's cheeks. She sniffles, the only sound breaking the silence along with their heavy breaths and racing hearts. They look at each other for a while, taking the other in. Kristen smiles at him. "Yes," she says, her voice barely audible, but Rob hears her and his face turns into one huge grin. He hurries up onto the bed and takes the ring out of the box in Kristen's hands. They both look down at the ring and then up at each other, smiling. He glides it onto her ring finger and looks up at her. Leaning in, he kisses her and she kisses him back. They smile so much against each other's mouths that it's almost impossible for them to kiss. "We're engaged," Rob whispers when they've pulled away, playing with Kristen's fingers. "I know," Kristen giggles, studying her ring with a huge grin on her face. Grabbing her face, Rob starts kissing her again.

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