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I should have known from the beginning that something was oddly wrong. I should have ignored it - didn't care, didn't go out- but my curiosity got the best of me.

I was crouching between the table and chair, posed like an acrobat while reading a fan fiction in my laptop when my phone beeped. I thought it wasn't mine at first because the tone was different but when I looked at it, it really was mine after all, amazing! It was a calendar alarm and I don't usually put entries in my phone's calendar so it was unusual. I looked at it and it read:

Event: Solar Eclipse today! Watch watch watch!!!

Time: 1:00 pm

Location: earth

I should have entered the event months ago because I couldn't remember it at all. I couldn't remember when I put it in the calendar or where I heard or read the news about a solar eclipse. So I looked at my cousins - more like gangster friends because there's four of us born almost simultaneously in our family and we are very close with each other and we gang up together in school, in fashion, in boys and whatever- they were all busy with their own gadgets and I said, "guys! There's a solar eclipse happening today!"

"Cool. Lets's watch," T answered, not even looking up at me from her iPad.

"Okay, don't forget about it." I agreed, nodding my head as I read my fan fiction.

And so we continued what we were doing: reading fan fiction, instagram-ming, uploading selfie's on Facebook, tumblr-ring, blah blah blah. It was summer time, and summer means we get together to stay in our grandmother's house for a month, away from our parents and families, just us and our grandma.

The morning passed by and it was lunch time and H suddenly said out loud (really loud), "M! The solar eclipse?! I thought we were gonna watch it?"

"Oh, that's right. Let's all go out and wait for it." I said while I was gathering up my laptop, phone and iPad to bring outside with me. "You can do it M! Just holla at us when it's starting," T replied.

I glared at her, "Hey! I'm the eldest here, I call the shots. Let's all go out."

"But baby it's cold outside." T protested with a fake hurt in her voice, I rolled my eyes at her, she's a dramatic lil shit. It's the middle of summer, cold her butt!

"Plus, you're only older by 3 years, it doesn't count." C added.

"And being the eldest you have the responsibility to represent us, so go forth and wait for the moon to embrace the sun outside. But don't forget to call us when it happens." H shooed me out

I don't always let them win but that day I did because I was not even sure if there would be a solar eclipse, after all the sun was shinning brightly and it looked like a normal summer day. So I opened my laptop and searched for solar eclipse on the news (eclipse, meteor showers and such occurrences always makes it to the news). Oddly enough there was no solar eclipse happening that day or the next day or even within the month. And the next month, or the next... But I didn't waver, I always wanted to see an eclipse or a meteor shower but unfortunately I never get to see one for some important reason (I'm sleeping), and anyway I surely read it somewhere for sure because it was on my calendar.

So I waited.

I continued reading the fan fiction while waiting until eventually I forgot about it and the next thing I know I was screaming for my cousins to "turn on the freaking lights because it's turning dark!" and then I realized it wasn't evening yet so I looked up and it was happening! The moon was moving closer and closer to the sun, I got up and watched it through my iPad because I heard it's dangerous to watch it with unaided eyes (I'm not sure about this though, I just wanted to be safe, we never know).

"Guys! Come out, it's happening! Guys! The moon is now covering 1/4 of the sun this is so awesome!!!! (I could not put enough exclamation point here) Guys, seriously!" I called out to my cousins. "You don't want to see this in my iPad, I'm telling you, you'd bleed out of jealousy!"

But they didn't come out and I realized the irony of my statement: you don't want to see this in my iPad... Technically I was watching it in my iPad too... So being stupid, I looked away from the iPad screen and looked up at the sky, directly at the phenomenon happening at that very moment.

It seemed that time slowed down and I was feeling all these feeling at the same time and thoughts about life and the world were racing through my head and it felt overwhelming so I closed my eyes for a second (I was kinda starting to tear up anyway) and when I opened them again...

Everything has changed.

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