Chapter 3

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T opened her eyes. Groaning because her back hurts. She opened her eyes and blinked.

She blinked again.

"This doesn't seem right," she muttered as she got up into a sitting position.

She got confused as she looked around- the place doesn't look familiar to her, it looks like an abandoned barn. But why would she be here in the first place?

She got up and surveyed the place but ran back to hide behind a stack of hay when she heard footsteps.

'Where am I? What is going on here??' she asked herself.

The last thing she remembered was seeing her older cousin, M, being sucked into the sky, like in anime or sci-fi film scenes. She was sleeping that time but she got up when she heard M shouting from the outside, she was shouting about an eclipse. T woke up and went outside but what she saw is M being sucked into something like a black hole instead. She tried to run and help her cousin but it was too late.

And now here she is, scared as hell.

The footsteps were getting closer and closer by the second. T peeked from where she was hiding to look at who it is- it might be M, maybe she was sucked along with M.

But it was a guy, a handsome stranger with longish hair and tall but slightly lean figure. T watched as he leaned down to pick something.

It was a stone, the guy picked up a stone with a glowing figure on it.

T watched him curiously as the guy studied the stone seriously, T was so curious she didn't notice a spider crawling at her back, she only noticed it when it was crawling in her cheeks towards her nose.

"Aaaaaah!" she screamed and danced the dance of life as she tried to get rid of the spider from her face.

When it was all over and she successfully got rid of the spider, she was standing a few meters away from the guy who was staring at her, face to face, his hands raised, his palms facing towards her, like he was doing a stop sign.

"Who are you?" The guy asked. T shivered because he sounded angry and his voice was really deep and masculine, it was scary to listen to at the current setting. Everything was scaring T that very moment.

"I am sorry, I was not spying on you! I was not doing anything wrong. I am just lost, I swear!"

"This barn is in the middle of nowhere, how did you get lost here?" The guy asked again, his eyes now narrowed at T.

"I don't know, I just-"

"Liar!" He exclaimed and T watched as flames sprouted from his palms and he threw it at her. The moment seemed to play in slow motion as she opened her eyes in fright, her mouth opened to scream and the flames were getting nearer and nearer.

She screamed in fright and tried to run but it was too late, the flames has reached her.

"Ahhhh! It burns! My body! Help! Help! My beautiful- huh?"

The flames slowly died down from her body. And it didn't burn her at all. It didn't have any effect on her.

"What did you do to stop my fire?!" The guy asked angrily and was now preparing a bigger fireball on both his hands.

"Oh my God!" T's eyes widened as she watched the fireballs, "what have I done to deserve this punishment??" she tried to run again but the fireball followed her when the guy threw it at her.

T was prepared to scream with agony. But again the fireball didn't burn even a single hair on her body.

"What the hell are you?!"

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