Chapter 2

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The sky was starting to light up. The sun was about to show its face again and the moon is letting it. Moving away from the sun. Slowly... slowly.

And I sat there, muttering to myself about dreams and nightmares and what to do. First there was a wounded, young, mysterious and handsome man. And the he killed himself by jumping off the building. And then a dragon flew by swiftly past me. In. Front. Of. My. Own. Two. Eyes. A. Dragon. A freaking dragon!

How could this not be a dream??

I pinched myself in both cheeks again. It still hurt. I am not dreaming.

Tears started to roll down my cheeks as I cried silently. Nothing beats the hopelessness and cluelessness and devastation I was feeling that very moment. Nothing.

I mean... I have no idea what is happening. I was just watching a solar eclipse and then... Nothing! I have no idea what happened- why I am here, and where exactly is 'here' and I don't know! I don't know! Maybe I fell asleep and dreaming- but I keep on getting hurt and the way I feel seems so real. Maybe I got crazy? Maybe eclipses can make you crazy?

Ahhhhh I don't know!

I was sitting near the edge of the building so I got up and walked back to the middle, I didn't want to die yet- I cannot die not knowing what is happening to me. So I walked with my head bowed down and my tears falling to the ground when I heard a 'POP' sound.

I looked up and saw a guy staring at me.

Oh... another handsome, mysterious man.

"Where is he?" He asked.

"Who?" I asked back because I was clueless... If you haven't figured out yet, my middle name here is Clueless.


I shook my head, "I don't know who that is. But there was a guy who fell down here from nowhere- like I did, but... He jumped off the building."

The handsome guy nodded his head, like my answer explains everything.

"What about you, what are you still doing here?" He asked again.

"I don't know. I don't know what's happening. I was watching a solar eclipse in my grandmother's porch and I closed my eyes for a second then when I opened them I'm in here."

"You are from Earth?! What the hell happened?" He asked in an angry tone. I was about to answer him again my "I don't know" speech but he was muttering to himself... So I didn't disturb him because it was amazing to look at him muttering to himself, like a mad man.

He's really handsome. In a sexy way- and he isn't even trying to be sexy! I guess he oozes sexiness without an effort, he was born to be sexy.

"You should return to Earth." He finally said, staring at me seriously.

"What?! You mean I am not on Earth? I am like in an alien planet??" I asked incredulously. If I am not on Earth... Then that explains the dragons perfectly!

But is this really not a dream? I desperately wanted this to be a dream.

"You are in EXO planet, you are not supposed to be here and you are not supposed to know about the solar eclipse." He raised his right hand up, "come here."

"Are you going to bring me back to Earth?"

"I cannot, but I can bring you to someone who might be able to help. Give me your hand."

And so I did. I gave him my hand and he held it tightly while saying, "close your eyes." And I did as I was told.

"We are here."

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