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(April and Katie POV)
We waited for all the groups to come back, but no sign of them. Willow was looking around the camp until he saw a green cloth and some poles beside the cloth. He took the cloth in his jaws and showed it to April and Katie.

Willow said, "We can make a tent out of this cloth and these poles.". Willow put the poles together, April was checking if the poles were sturdy enough, and Katie was trying to fix the cloth and see if it was waterproof.

(Cooper and Annie POV)
Cooper was looking through the bushes while Annie ran around to find something to eat. As Cooper was looking, he got to the end of the bush and saw the rest of the groups were together except for April and Katie. He jumped right out of the bushes and startled half the pack.

"Sorry", Cooper apologized.

Annie was already there with them. Cooper told the pack to come to there home land so went back to the main camp.

When they approached the hill, they saw a black and white cat with April and Katie. They ran strait to there. As soon as they got there, they realized they had a functioning tent.

Cooper looked a Willow and said, "You look like I know you from somewhere".

Willow purred, "It's Will, remember?".

Cooper remembered that he was one of Bailey's favorite house cats. "I missed you so much, Will.", he barked.

Willow went to explain why he came here. "I came here to say Emily and Bailey miss you and April. We have to back by tomorrow.".

They all decided the next morning they would go with Willow.

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