
13 1 14

The wolves lunged at Elias, taking him down.

I fought, trying to save Elias. But one got me in the leg, and I went down. Elias was passed out, after a bullet wound that still hasn't healed, then this, I was afraid that he wouldn't make it. I knew I couldn't die, at least not by wolves. I kept trying to fight, but then one leaped onto me, and I smacked my head against a rock. I passed out.

A hand brushed my cheek. "Althea" a soft voice said. A voice I recognized. I opened my eyes. "Elias" I whispered when I saw him, his face hovering over mine. "Are you okay?" he asked. I sat up, and touched the back of my head. No blood or anything, just little bump. "Yeah, I'm fine. Are you okay?" I asked him. "Um..." he said, hesitating. "Don't lie! Tell me if you're okay, and do NOT lie to me!" I said. "Alright! I'm not a fine but I'm okay. My chest hurts, as does my side, but other than that, I'm okay". "Fine then". "So, what happened?" he asked. "Well after you passed out, I fought off the wolves, or I tried to. One of them knocked me down, and I hit my head". I saw concern flash in his eyes. He reached around and touched the back of my head. Depite everything, I flinched at his touch. He pulled back his hand, "Sorry". "No! Dont be! Im sorry. Its just it's been a long time since someone's touched me like they were caring for me". "Oh, sorry" "Stop saying sorry". He paused, then said with a smile, "Sorry". Then his hand touched my cheek again, "What happened here?". "What do you mean?". "You have a huge cut on your cheek". I did? I didn't feel any pain on my cheek. "I have no idea, maybe one of the wolves scratched me". His hand was still on my cheek. As I realized this, I also realized that his touch sent shivers down my spine. The good kind. Then his hand moved to brush a stray hair away from my face. "Althea. I will never let anything happen to you. We were wrong to take this place from you. I am so sorry. I am going to help you save what I helped to destroy" he told me, completely serious, and his eyes never left mine. "Elias, tell me, have you killed before?" I asked him slowly. "Yes. And I now regret it, just being with you makes me regret all the horrible things that I've done" he replied, and I could hear the disgust and regret in his voice. "I've killed before too. It has been torturing me ever since. It was a Soul who had grabbed me. He hadn't been very strong. I had thrown myself backwards, trying to free myself, but I ended up knocking the guy into a nail that killed him. I guess I didn't kill him, but I pushed him into the nail". Elais leaned forward and hugged me. "I am so sorry, I wish you hadn't have had to go through that" he whispered in my ear. "Thank you, Elias, for that, and for everything".

*Short again, I know, but the next chapter will make up for it. L<3v y'all, thanks for reading so far*

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