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I didn't know what to think. Mama and Papa were alive, they were here! "Okay, anyone want to explain why you're in company of a Supernatural?" Mama asked. I walked over to where Elias sat, sat next him, and intertwined my fingers through his. I smiled at him, and he smiled back. "Mama, this is Elias, my boyfriend," I told her. The shock on Mama's face mirrored Papa's. "You mean to tell me that your boyfriend, is not only a Supernatural, but also the one who is destined to kill you?" Mama asked. "I would never hurt Ally," Elias cut in defensively. He looked at me, and I squeezed his hand. "Mama, didn't you see how he tried to protect me when you guys came in?" I asked her. "Elias is great actually! He almost died protecting Ally," Vik chimed in. Zach stepped in front of Elias, like he was trying to protect Eli from the wrath of our parents. "Elias has done a lot for us, and even more for Althea. He has kept her alive when I wasn't around," Zach said the last part while looking at the floor. "What do you mean, when you weren't around?" Papa asked him, finally speaking. Zach told the story, eveything that happened after they had "died". Papa looked at me, "You have been alone all that time?". I nodded, then told him my part of the story, and when I met Elias, then finally finding Vik and Zach, and Gray. I explained how we had ended up here, and by that time Gray had looked up, and was smiling. "So, you guys are in company of not 1 but 2 Supernaturals," Mama stated when I had finished. Gray raised his hand, "Um, only half Supernatural over here,". "If it weren't for Gray and Elias, we would be dead ten times over!" Zach burst out. A roar echoed over the trees, and Gray sighed. Shiro. "Shiro!" I called out, and Gray shot me a look, "Why would you do that?". "Shh. I am proving a point," I told him. There was a loud thwump as Shiro landed outside. Little ones, she said, sticking her head in the window. Mama yelped, and Papa looked around frantically, looking for the source of the voice. "That was Shiro," Gray told him. Papa blinked then, turned to Shiro's head. "It's a dragon, a real dragon," Papa said. IT has a name, also IT is a girl, Shiro growled. "S-sorry," Papa stammered. Better be, she muttered. "Shiro!" Gray said sharply. Sorry. "How is this proving a point?" Gray asked me. I held up one finger, Mama turned and looked at Gray approvingly, and after a minute or two, so did Papa.

I turned to Gray and raised an eyebrow. He sighed, "Oh okay, fine. You proved a point,". I need to go do some scouting, Shiro told us. "Be careful," Gray told her. "Remember to stay above the clouds, Wade is scouting in Hovercraft. So is my father. Wade may hesitate to shoot you down, but my father won't," Elias told her. Will do, Shiro told him, backing up, and pulling her head out of the window. There was a big whoosh as she flapped her huge wings. We sat down and talked for awhile, and we took turns taking hot showers. Elias had just gotten out, and he sat down beside me on the couch. His wet hair brushed his shoulders, little tufts curling around his temple. He wrapped an arm around me and pulled me close. I put my head on his shoulder, my wet hair soaking his shoulder. Gray leaped up of the couch, so fast, he actually blurred. He snatched up his knife. "We need to leave NOW!" he yelled. We all jumped up, "What?", Zach asked him. "Shiro spotted Hovercrafts headed this way," Gray told us. We rushed around, getting all of our stuff. Suddenly Wade burst in, with 6 Souls behind him. He lunged for me, but Elias yelled, "NO!", and Wade flew backwards, right into the doorframe.

Flames burst to life around Wade, who was passed out, and the other Souls. "GO!" Elias yelled, and we took off, out the back door. We bolted through the woods, trampling undergrowth as we went. "Guys, we need to go more carefully, they'll see where we went if we don't," I whispered, just loud enough foe everyone to hear. They listened, and we bounded around like deer, making our steps light. Suddenly, there was a huge roaring sound of an engine, and a Hovercraft appeared before us. "Elias! This is your last chance to join us, my son! Its now or never! Do it, or die!" Silas's voice yelled from the Hovercraft. "No!" Elias yelled back, absolutely no hesitation. Then the Hovercraft landed in front of us, blocking our path. The back opened, and Silas walked out. He held his sword in his hand, swinging it back and forth between hands. "Guess we're gonna have to do this the hard way," Silas sighed, like he regreted it.

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