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The sword above is the one described later on, imagine it being a darker blue though.

I was so scared that Elias was going to die, I stayed by his side until Zach made me get up and eat something. A few days later Elias woke up, hungry and thirsty, and with a bad headache. After wolfing down two sandwiches, and a bottle of water, Elias told me that he remembered everything that happened, and the headache was a side effect of using up a lot of energy all at once, also for using his powers like he did. He told me that he hadn't really used his powers in a while, so it was like using a muscle that had lost it's strength, expecting it to be able to run a mile. At this point, some of the other survivors were surprised, since they had never known a Supernatural that didn't use his powers all the time. They asked him a bunch of questions, but after a little while, Matt told them to lay off. Elias looked grateful, and that's when I realized he was a lot more tired than he let on. Elias drank another water bottle, then leaned in towards me, and whispered that he was tired. I twined my fingers through his, and got up, leading him back to our room. Vik was sitting on the bed, waiting for us. She jumped up when we came in, and said, "I don't want to talk, I just wanted to see Elias," then she left. Elias fell asleep almost instantly, and it took a few minutes of listening to his steady breathing and heartbeat for me to drift of in his arms. I had been hoping to have a nice dreamless sleep, but of course, that didn't happen.

Elias stood atop a hill, overlooking a city. I walked closer to see the city bathed in a warm glow. Elias threaded his fingers through mine, and held up our hands. My hand was glowing the same warm gold as the city. "You did it," Elias whispered. "We did it," I corrected him. He smiled, his adorable crooked smile, and the smile reached his eyes, crinkling the corners. I smiled back at him, then turned back to the city. People were emerging from houses, looking up in wonder. The war was over. We won. I turned around at the sound of footsteps to see Zach and Gray emerge from the woods. They were grinning. "Vik, Mamma and Poppa are with Matt," Zach told us. "Shiro?" Elias asked. "She's flying over the cities to see if it's working, it is, by the way," Gray answered. Elias turned to me, and opened his mouth-. I woke up, and immediately wanted to go back to sleep. Then I looked at the clock, the clock read 2:54.

I frowned, that was strange. I usually never woke up early in the morning. I tried to figure out what woke me, and as my eyes adjusted I noticed a dark figure standing in front of the window. I tapped Elias on the arm. He woke up with a start, and I pressed a finger to his lips, telling him to be quiet. I motioned to the figure, who seemed to have his/her back to us. Elias got up, slowly, quietly. He walked up to the figure, but the figure turned around before Elias could get closer. The figure smiled, "Hello Elias," and I would recognize that voice anywhere. Wade smiled at me, "Hi there Althea,". "Zach!" I yelled, and Wade lunged at me and Elias lunged at him. Zach burst in the room, Gray and Matt close behind. Both Gray and Matt, the two being the strongest, grabbed Wade. Wade was laughing maniacally, "A fool's dream! You actually think you will win?!". I realized that he had spied on my dream. They dragged him from the room. Elias hurried over to me, and I was shaking. Zach looked at me, "What did he mean?". "I had a dream," was all I said.

The next morning, a lot of talk was thrown around. Many people were coming up with different stories as to what happened last night. Only Matt, Elias, Zach, Gray, and me knew what happened. Matt, after taking care of Wade, told us that he would keep the events quiet. Elias and I had trouble falling asleep again, so we went outside to get some fresh air. We had come in when the sky started to lighten. I sighed as someone close to us came up with some far fetched story, claiming that he had been out in the hall last night. Matt finally caught on, and came to ask us if he could tell them what had actually happened. I told him he could, and he called everyone's attention. He explained what happened, and some of the survivors gave us dirty looks, and I heard someone mutter, "Twice in a week,". Matt heard it to, and told the person that he had dishes for the next 2 days. After breakfast Zach, Gray, Vik, Mamma and Poppa met us in mine and Elias's room. "We need to leave," Gray said the second that Elias and I walked in, he was leaning against the wall next to the window. "Yeah, we do," Elias agreed, and Zach nodded. "But there are so many people here," Vik argued. "Which is why we have to leave, Icky Vikky," Elias told her. She looked over at him, confused, "What do you mean, Biased Elias?". "There are a lot of people here, meaning there's a lot of people to get hurt if people keep coming after us," Elias explained. "Oh," was all she said. "So, are we in agreement?" I asked. Everyone agreed, but we didn't want to leave just yet. It was established that Elias and I would talk to Matt, and the others would get our belongings together.

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