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Althea's perspective

My name is Althea Grey. I sometimes think I'm the last human on the entire earth. I know that I'm not, but it makes me feel better. My name means "to heal" in Greek, going back to some flower that had some supposed healing properties, I don't know, don't ask, my parents were weird. Now I would give anything to see them again, or for them to say my name. My sister, Vik, used to call me Ally, but no one has called me that in 8 years. I had a brother too, his name was Zach, he was the oldest, 16, when I last saw him, I used to looked up to him. My sister had just been about to turn 3, I'd just turned 4. Now I'm 16, and I'm alone.

I am strong. I mean I have to be. But sometimes I'm scared. For 12 years, I've been running for my life. I've killed before, and its haunted me since. Sure it had been a Soul trying to kidnap me to insert one of those things into me. But still, to end a life was just one of those things that terrified me. Also, the knowledge that someone could end mine scared me so bad, that I was always running, never staying in one place for more than a day. It doesn't help that there's some prophecy that has followed me since I was born. I don't know what the prophecy is, just that my parents said that I was meant to do great things.

The present

I ducked under an awning, and kept running. "Stop running! We just want to help!" yelled a Parasite behind me. Yeah right! I thought, and picked up the pace, pushing my legs to move faster. They sounded way to close. After a few more minutes, I glanced behind me to see that I had left them in the dust. I quickly looked around, and saw a good house a couple blocks away. I headed straight for the house, then went inside. I ran around, looking for a good hiding place. After about 5 minutes of searching, I finally found a good place between the washing machine and the wall where I could squeeze into. Then as soon as I was situated, I heard them running down the street, very close to the house. "She couldn't have gone far! Split up! Find her! Look in every nook and every little hiding place! She's a slippery one!" one of them yelled, that was horrifyingly close. Crap! I yelled in my head.

I pushed my self farther into my hiding place, but my bag was in the way. I pulled it off, and threw it into the laundry basket in front of the dryer. The door of the house creaked open, and footsteps echoed in the front hall. "I know your in here Althea, just come out, and every thing will be okay! Just be a good little girl!", it was Wade, the one who's been chasing me for 5 years now. I finally recognized that deep drawl of his. I don't see why he would just chase after me. There were plenty of other "survivors", I've seen quite a few myself, and I've stayed with a few. They've all given me the offer to stay with them, but I don't trust anyone but my myself. Even though I would love to be with someone else, instead of be alone, but with the world ending, you can't trust anyone.

Wade walked into the room I was in, and started looking around. I heard him move the the laundry basket, and open the dryer. I went still, and held my breath. He moved from the dryer, then stopped. Out of a small crack I could see him lift my bag from the basket. No no no no no no! Please, PLEASE don't let him figure out its mine! I screamed in my head. He stared at my bag for a few long seconds, then smiled.

"Althea! I know your in here!" then he closed the door, and went to close the window. While he was pushing on the window, I quietly squeezed out from my hiding place and took off for the door. I flung it open and ran to the front door, but I didn't get that far. Wade grabbed me from behind, and threw into the wall. "Got you, finally!". He grabbed me and lifted me up. I started kicking and tried to land a punch on his jaw.

"Stop squirming, you little--!" but he was cut off when a guy came up from behind him and slammed a piece of metal against his head. Wade's hands loosened their grips, his eyes rolled up into his head, and he collapsed.

I stared at my savior. He had short, wavy dark hair, and green/hazel eyes. He was a head taller than me, and was slightly muscular. Then I recognized the angular jaw of the Supernaturals. I spun and took off, at least I tried to. He grabbed my arm, "Hey! I just saved your life! Is that now you show your gratitude? You flee?". I whirled around, hit his arm, and backed away.

"You're not human! So why did you help me?!" I yelled at him. He just smiled. I grabbed my bag that was on the ground by the door, and pulled out my knife. I pointed it at him, "Answer me! Why did you save me?! You kill humans! Why me?! ANSWER ME!" I screamed at him. He opened his mouth, then I heard the footsteps of the Souls coming close. "Crap!" I said to myself, then took off.

It was only after around 8 or 9 minutes later, that I figured out that he was following me. Panic shot through me and I took off in the opposite direction. Behind me, I heard his footsteps pounding the forest floor, and they were gaining on me. He caught me and pressed me into a tree. His breath on the back of my neck sent a shiver running done my spine. I spun around in the tight space, and pressed my blade against his throat. He knocked my hand away, then started laughing. "You're a little feisty aren't you?" he said softly with a little chuckle.

"What are you doing? What are you?!" I said sharply. "Well one, I'm talking to you, and two, I'm what you would call a Supernatural" he replied with a mischievous smile, backing up a few steps. "Oh, yeah, really? I totally didn't figure that out!" I snapped, my words dripping with sarcasm.

"No need to get so snappy. We didn't get to finish our conversation earlier, which question do you want me to answer first? And I still haven't heard a Thank you for saving my life, yet" he said with a smirk. Why does he keep smiling? What is wrong with him? "Fine, thank you for saving my life" I said reluctantly. "You're welcome". "Let's start off simple with the questions, what's your name?". He smirked, "What's your name?". "I asked you first". "Ok, the name's Elias".

I hesitated for several seconds, debating whether or not I could trust him. He did save me, and he hasn't showed that he meant me harm. Still, the rules that I had ingrained in my brain whispered their wisdom to me. Keep moving, don't trust anyone. But something made me want to trust him. Maybe it was my overwhelming desire to not be alone any longer.

"Althea," I told him.

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