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I am alive.

It felt very weird coming back from the dead. Like, sometimes, I wouldn't feel firm in my skin, but as soon as Ally squeezed my hand, I would feel secure again. I just figured it was a small side affect, and that it would go away soon. I just wondered how soon was soon. But, I wasn't complaining, Ally would kiss me randomly, or squeeze my hand, and Vik would randomly hug me, saying that she was glad I was back. Zach would clap me on the shoulder randomly also, saying that he was glad I was back too. Gray would strike up conversation with me at random times, and that was the weirdest. I didn't see Gray as the kind of guy who would randomly start a conversation, especially with me. Ally, Vik and Zach's parents would glance back at me, like they were checking that I was still alive.

I honestly thought that they thought that I would drop dead any second, and that Ally's power wasn't long lasting. They seemed like they were getting ready to pick up the pieces when the time comes. For a while I had felt similar, like I wasn't actually alive, until we had been in a safe house, and Ally and I were sharing a room. She had kissed me, and it had started to get a little heated, and my heart had started racing. That heat that spread through me whenever we kissed had turned to wildfire and that's when I knew, I was alive, and I was here to stay. I didn't tell Ally about not feeling firm in my own skin at times, because it didn't matter. Now as we were walking through the woods, and Ally's fingers were intertwined through mine, I had never felt firmer. We were heading towards a safe house that was rumored to have other human survivors, and we were hoping that they would help us.

As we came close, it was clear that the rumors were true, the lights were on, and there was shouts and laughter. We were out in the middle of nowhere, like where no one came around. Ally and I hung back as the others went to the house. We didn't want the survivors freaking out and trying to kill me, so they went to explain things as Ally kept me company. Zach came out a few minutes later, and told us it was okay. We walked into the house, Zach going first, then me, then Ally, still holding my hand. Everyone fell silent, all eyes went to us. There was a lot of humans here, maybe 15 or 20. I had no idea that there was so many people that had escaped prosecution. Ally wrapped an arm around me, and Zach stepped closer, making it obvious that if someone wanted to mess with me, they would have to mess with him. Gray walked over to us, and stood beside Ally. They were making it clear not to mess with me, and I was glad. A guy stepped forward, who looked around 30 something, and was obviously the leader. He smiled at us, and said, "Hello. My name is Matt, and I would like to welcome you to our humble abode. Am I right that you and the girl are sharing a room?" he addresses me on the last. "Yes, you are. Thank you for accepting us into your house," I told him. He nodded, "Of course, how could we turn away fellow survivors, even though one isn't exactly human,". It seemed like he couldn't keep that comment to himself. Gray tensed, and Ally bristled. I could tell she was about to snap, so I squeezed her hand and looked down at her. She looked up at me, and our eyes meet. She nodded, getting my message. Everyone was watching us, and Matt looked curious. I wanted to kiss her, but there were to many eyes on us. I actually felt a little self-conscious with all the eyes on us. "Alright, well, let's get the rooms situated," Matt said, breaking the heavy silence. He gestured for Ally and me to follow him, and we did. We followed him through a wide hallway, and passed several doors, then we stopped outside of a dark oak door. "This is y'all's room," Matt told us. Ally opened it and we stepped in, then froze.

There was a queen size bed pushed against the far wall, an adjoined bathroom, a walk-in closet, several windows with the blinds drawn, and a dresser. The room was a lot bigger than we thought it would be, and I wasn't expecting such a big bed either. Ally walked over to the bed and flopped down on it, face first. "Oh. My. God! This bed is sooo comfortable," Ally groaned, her voice muffled by the comforter. I jumped onto the bed, and grabbed Ally, pulling her close. She giggled as I pulled her onto my lap. "Chill out, lovebirds," Gray said, leaning in the doorway. "Gray!" Ally yelled, throwing a pillow at him, which he promptly caught. "Ouch, I'm hurt," he teased. I was grinning, then Vik burst in, pushing past Gray, and jumped onto the bed with us. Vik was giggling, as Gray shot her a mock outraged look. "We'll be just across the hall," Zach told us, sticking his head in the doorway. "Come on, Vik," he said, motioning for her. She shook her head, and buried herself in the covers. I laughed, "Come on, Icky Vikky, you gotta go with Zach,". She uncovered her face, "I can't sleep in here with you and Ally?". "Come on, Vik," Zach said again. She sighed, then climbed out of the bed, and followed Zach across the hall. "Where are you sleeping?" I asked Gray. "Next room over," he answered. "Well, I'll leave you two lovebirds at it," he told us, backing away from the doorway, then turning and heading for his room. Ally got up, closed the door, then came back and climbed into the bed. I wrapped my arms around her, and she settled her head on my chest. It didn't take long for us to fall asleep, considering it felt like we were laying on clouds. My dreams started off being random bits and pieces of the last week or so, then they turned bad. "Elias!" Ally yelled. There was a huge storm, and it was getting worse. The wind whipped my hair into my face. "Ally!" I yelled, struggling toward her, but the wind was buffeting me, pushing me back. She stood in front of Wade, his blade raised high, about to strike her. I fought the wind, pushing against it, trying to reach her. Wade's blade went down, and everything slowed. It was a few centimeters from touching her. "Ally!" I yelled, jerking out of the dream. She started, waking up in my arms. "What?! What's wrong?!" she asked. Zach and Gray burst into the room, Gray had his knife out. "What's wrong?!" both of them asked at the same time. My heartbeat was still beating about a hundred miles a minutes, but I was calming down. "Nothing, never mind. It was just a dream," I breathed out, trying to catch my breath. They looked at me curiously. I quickly told them the dream, and Ally paled at the end. "Elias, I had a dream just like that. In the end Wade stabbed me. But, he can't hurt me can he? I mean, you're the only one who can kill me, now that Silas is dead, right?" she asked. "Yeah, as far as I know, Wade can't hurt you," I told her. "Wait, wasn't Silas able to hurt Althea because you and him share the same blood?" Gray asked me. "Yeah, why?" I asked. "Well, lets say that Wade had a sword forged in Silas's blood," he started, then paused. Horror gripped me, and I felt like throwing up. No, I thought. Ally gasped, her face getting paler. She looked to me, "That can't work, can it? Eli?". Her voice was terrified, and I really wanted to tell her that it couldn't work, but I knew it could. I met her eyes, "Ally--," I started, but she jumped up and out of the bed. "Oh god. No, no, no," she was pacing. I got up and grabbed her by the shoulders, and made her look me in the eye. "I won't let anything happen to you, okay? Wade WILL NOT touch you!" I told her, my voice rising. "Hey, what's going on here?" Matt asked, standing just behind Zach, who looked really pale. "Long story," I replied, "Sorry, we didn't wake you up did we?". "You did actually, and practically everyone else," he said. I winced, "Sorry,". "Don't worry about it. How about you guys come to kitchen, we'll get some breakfast going, and you can tell us your long story, sound good?" Matt asked. We all agreed, I mean how could we refuse? When we got to the kitchen, we found everyone already there, and bacon and eggs being made.

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