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Elias collapsed to the ground, blood soaking his shirt front, and a scream ripped through my throat. A look of triumph on Morven's face. The soft, quiet sound of Elias saying my name. The last thing he said, the last thing he would ever say.

I slumped to the ground, all the life going out of me. Elias wasn't dead. He couldn't be. Surely, when people loved each other as we did, they couldn't live without the other, no way they could survive. There was no way that I could still be alive if he was dead. My sword clattered out of my hands, and didn't move as Morven stalked over to me, sword raised. I wished that he could kill me, I couldn't go on without Elias. "If only I could kill you," Morven said, his voice harsh. "I wish you could kill me too," I muttered, voice devoid of emotion. Suddenly, I got that he is the reason Elias was dead, the reason why he wasn't here. I snatched up my sword and moved quickly, stabbing at his heart. I had caught him guard, and had managed to stab him, but not deep enough and he threw me off. With a yell, I tried again, but he threw me off again. He held the place on his chest with one hand and was stumbling back, gasping. I had done enough damage to kill him, just not immediately, that was clear as he started to cough up blood. I had probably pierced a lung on my second attempt. His sword fell from his hand and I kicked it away. I couldn't hear anything except for the blood roaring in my ears, so I didn't notice that Shiro was fighting Yami, until I felt the vibrations through the earth. Looking up I saw that Gray was trying to restrain Zach and Vik, Matt was still holding Wade, Mama was leaning on Papa and was crying, and I noticed that Gray had tears streaked down his face, as did Vik. Behind me, Morven fell to the ground. I left my sword slip through my fingers and I walked over to where Elias lay, my legs feeling like they were made of lead. I dropped to my knees beside him, and stared at his pale, still face. I ran my fingers through his hair, trying to memorize how it felt to do it. Remembering suddenly how I had brought him back before, I quickly placed my hands over his chest, where the wound was and called on the feeling I had felt earlier, healing Gray.

Warm golden feelings washed over me, but were quickly doused by dark, heavy feelings. I was exhausted. Even I knew how to do this perfectly, I still wouldn't be able to. The tiredness I felt stretched far past normal, it reached all the way to my bones, my soul, my spirit. I was exhausted of this, of my life, I was tired of running, of fighting, of the constant fear, the grief, the pain. I just wanted to take a break from life. I wanted to die. Huh, it was kind of funny how just last night I had told Elias that I didn't want to die, wrapped up in the circle of his arms, and he had held me tight. It feels like it has been years since then, surely it didn't just happen last night. It must have been years since he held me and told that it was going to be okay, that we would fix everything and I was going to be okay. Now, he was gone, and I wanted to die, I wanted to be gone to. To be gone from the horrors of life. Tears streamed down my face, and fell against Elias's chest. I wished that he would suddenly wrap his arms around me and tell everything was going to be okay, that he would always be there for me and that he would never leave me again. I wish he would press his lips to mine and make everything go away. A sob was building up in my chest and it hurt more to keep it in, so it burst out of me. "Elias," I sobbed into his chest, knowing he couldn't hear but hoping he could. "Althea," a voice whispered behind me. Zach. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me to his chest, and I let him. His shirt was almost instantly soaked from my tears, but he didn't seem to care. I kept staring at Elias, hoping against hope that he would suddenly wake up and he would be okay. I thought I saw his eyelids flutter and my breath caught in my throat. I pulled away from Zach and moved closer to Elias. "Elias?" I whispered, afraid to be wrong. I studied his face, watching for anything, any movement. There! His eyelids fluttered again. "Elias! Eli!" I leaned in closer. He gasped and his eyes opened slightly. "Ally," he breathed. "Eli!" I exclaimed and pulled him up into a hug. He groan and I let him go instantly, "Sorry!". "No, no, it's okay," he whispered and wrapped me up in his arms. I melted into them and he tightened his grip. I realized that he was struggling to hold on just as I was, and I was his anchor as he was mine. I nuzzled my face into his neck, breathing him in. He smelled like fresh air, of rain, and there was that hint of mint that was always there. Under all of that was reminders of what had just happened, the sharp smell of blood, and the stale scent of sweat. I pulled back slightly and pressed my lips to his and he reciprocated it. He pulled me closer and there was no space between. Heat mixed with electricity shoot through me, and I didn't want this to end. After what felt like forever we both pulled away, gasping. We sat there just looking into each other's eyes, unable to look away.

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