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Quick note: This is my favourite chapter in the entire book. So I'm expecting comments throughout the chapter and the questions answered at the end, it's kind of emotional and I just want y'all to know now that this chapter- although it may not seem like it to you- is really important in character development. 

Holly was making her way to the larder when the doorbell rung, hearing the commotion in the dining room she assumed none of the Knowles' had heard it so opened the door swiftly and curtsied before the man. 

"How may I help you?" She asked before looking up at his face and sighing in relief, "Mr Carter, We weren't expecting you" She pulled the door open wider and he walked in fixing his suit just a little. Shawn had just arrived in Houston and made the Knowles his number one priority since Beyoncé had come to visit and he deeply wanted to see her again after all these years. 

"Yes, it's a surprise drop in. I'm sure Mr Knowles will not mind" He handed his jacket to Leon the butler who hung it in the closet before taking his brief case and placing it in the closet also. "Where is the family?" Shawn asked her, 

"Oh, in the dining room Sir. They were about to have dinner but I'm sure they wouldn't mind you join it. I'll tell cook to fix an extra plate for you she'll be expecting to see you later" Holly ran off into the kitchen and Shawn smiled reminding himself to check in on cook and make sure she was okay after her operation as he made his way toward the dinning room. He could hear multiple voices before he finally reached the room and let his eyes glaze over the table and it's occupants. 

"She didn't tell you how she had been sleeping around with men, how she had been whipped in the attic time upon time for leaving every night, how she lost her virginity and hid dirty secrets from us!" Lady Celestine was reaching over the table holding tightly onto a young girls hands with nothing but crazy in her eyes. The young girl attempted to pull away from her but this only made Mrs Knowles hold her tighter when the woman beside the girl pulled their hands apart and the young girl threw her hands around the woman who Shawn now assumed to be Beyoncé. 

"Don't you dare put your hands on my daughter!" She yelled at her, he gasped remembering the days the young Beyoncé would never raise her voice at all and found comfort in being calm and sweet but it seems that when it came to her daughter things were different. 

"Oh, what have I just walked into?" Carter said as he stood at the dining room door but walked a little further in looking between the four obviously angered people, "Is this a bad time?" He asked.

Holly POV

"You've got to go" I chuckled and rubbed Beyoncé's arms as she sat between my legs holding on to her little paper doll and brushing her fingers over it's string hair. 

"I'd rather stay here with you" She complained before standing up and leaning her body into mine. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her onto my leg to sit down while she rested her head on my shoulder holding on to me. "I don't want to go" She whined, 

"Little Lady you must, it's your duty" I rubbed her back a little and kissed her forehead. She had her hair out with a small bow on the side keeping some hair out of  her face, the yellow bow matched her yellow dress, white tights and yellow ballet pumps which complimented her sun kissed skin. 

"Holly, I think we should run away" She giggled and jumped off my lap looking at me with her big brown eyes. "We should go all the way to Paris! Just me and you" She ran over to the closet pulling out numerous dresses and outfits for occasions, "Holly it would be so much fun, and we'd never have to see mother again or those silly friends of my parents." I walked over to her and stopped her from taking the clothes out with a comforting smile on my face, 

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