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She looked at him with soft features and a beautiful face, her pale skin glowing in the light, her eyes a beautiful colour and her hair falling on her shoulders where his eyes lowered to her breasts

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She looked at him with soft features and a beautiful face, her pale skin glowing in the light, her eyes a beautiful colour and her hair falling on her shoulders where his eyes lowered to her breasts. His girlfriend was a beautiful girl and at 18 years old they both knew they loved each other, they both knew that they wanted to spend the rest of their lives with each other. She pulled her glossy lips into a smile and winked at Shawn reminding him of their night plans. He smirked to himself and then looked over at his friend Cole and whispered, "I'm gonna do it" He spoke with confidence, "She's gonna be my wife". Cole looked at him with hard features and a confused face, 

"You want to marry Amanda Jones?" Cole asked, "At 18 years old?" He added. "Shawn we've been over this, she's not ready and neither are you" Mandy (Amanda) was one month and seven days younger than Shawn, she was so sweet and polite, she didn't give in to peer pressure because she was confident in who she was and what she wanted but she could be very stubborn. One thing everyone knew about her was that she was a good girl. She didn't tend to do anything out of the ordinary or shocking, having been raised by a single father she believed in responsibilities a lot more than the average teenager and so she took everything into account. She knew that she was responsible for any decisions she made so if she failed school like her mother had then she would pay for it like her mother had then that would be her fault and no one else's. She knew if she got pregnant at a young age like her mother, that would be her fault too. Finally, she knew that if she put one thing over another- she'd have to face the long term consequences of her choice. She always put her education and achievement first in order to reach success but something about her relationship with Shawn threw people off. It was strange to think that a girl who cared so much about academic perfection and long term goals could be in a relationship with a boy- very much like herself- who believes in work ethic the way she does. Their commonalities weren't the surprise, the surprise was that they took well deserved breaks from working to spend time with each other, together they went to parties but they wouldn't have before, together they took day's off school and had fun. Things you'd never expect either one of them to do, but they did because there were parts of them that needed to be brought out by someone else. Someone who understood them.

"Yes, I want to marry her" Shawn grinned at Cole and then elaborated, "I've brought the ring and I'm going to ask her tonight" He then looked up at the teacher for a brief moment to see if the subject had changed then turned back to his friend.  "I love her, I've been with her for two years now. I don't want to loose her too" He looked down at his book while Cole leaned in closer, 

"Too?" He asked, "What do you mean?" Cole hadn't heard of Shawn loosing anyone in the past, his family was a bit of a shambles but nothing seemed to have occurred where he really lost anyone and Cole would know because he spent a lot of time with the Carter family in the past 3 years since Shawn moved to High school and they met each other. 

"No nothing, sorry. The word just slipped out" Shawn chuckled to himself nervously before looking back over at the girl working and then turned to Cole again, "You know, I love her and I want to marry her but at the same time I don't because there's just something inside me telling me that it's not her who I'm supposed to be with but Be-Someone else." He paused for a moment and sighed, "But I've got to get over that someone else because I'm never going to see them again and I'm happy with Mandy so I don't know why I'm even saying it. You know what? Ignore that! I'm going to marry her." He grinned again and Cole looked at him knowing that this wasn't the right thing to do. He knew that Shawn wasn't ready to be married and neither was she, he knew it wasn't going to end well but no matter how many times he had asked Shawn if he really wanted it Shawn said Yes. There wasn't much he could do about that.

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