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Beyoncé POV

My bedroom was so black I couldn't see, my eyes tried to adjust to the darkness but there was no point because I couldn't focus on anything. The curtains were closed and the lights were off, but I had to get up. At the sound of her screaming I clumsily reached over to my lamp to turn it on but pushed it over instead. I couldn't stay still though, I jumped out of my bed not bothering to wrap my night gown around me and sprinted to the door. My hands were shaking so much i struggled to turn the nob but did and then bolted out of my room and down the hall to the landing, running down the opposite hall to her room. The screaming got louder the closer I got, it wasn't a general scream, it was a deep scream coming from within her soul. Full of agony and fear. I threw her bedroom door open and turned on the light to see her throwing her hands and kicking her feet and screaming as her body rolled around. I walked over to her and shh'd her trying to calm her. I stoked her hair and gently shook her to wake her up, her eyes popped open and she looked at me taking deep breaths, 

"It's okay" I told her, she gulped and then cuddled into my body closing her eyes, "You know you can tell me anything" I looked down at her and she looked up at me, 

"Grandma w-" I flinched at the thought of the terrible things Celestine could have done in her nightmare, "It doesn't matter, it was just a dream" She looked away from me but I turned her face to look back at me, 

"That woman's going to hell" I told her, she smiled lightly and then whispered, 

"She vacations there" I climbed into her bed and pulled her close to me, I knew that the only reason she didn't continue was because she was scared of bringing back memories that caused me pain but I could handle it. I know I can. 

"Tell me what happened" I advised her, she got more comfortable and then spoke, 

"We were in Houston and she put us in the attic, then Shawn came but he couldn't get through the door and we were really trying but the walls were closing in and then they stopped" She paused, "Grandma just appeared from no where and she was hitting us but we were fighting back but then everything went wrong. You were on the floor and Shawn was gone. It was just me and grandma" She looked back at me and I sighed, 

"You know that I would never stop fighting for you" I kissed her head and she nodded, "She's gone, we'll never see her again." She smiled and nodded her head a little more before looking up at me and apologising, 

"I'm sorry for waking you" I pushed her gently and shook my head, 

"Don't be silly" She laid down and got more comfortable in the bed. "Do you want me to stay home this weekend instead of going to the BBQ, I could tell Shawn that you need me-" 

"Don't be silly" She repeated, "You're just trying to get out of spending a weekend with him, you're going" I sighed and then replied, 

"Yeah well you're going to your dad's house, I'm sure you don't really want to be there either" She opened one eye and looked at me, 

"I told Tyler I'd sleep over at his house this weekend" She smiled smugly and I climbed out of her bed walking out of her room. "Bonne nuit!" She yelled to me, 

"Vas te faire encule" I mumbled under my breath. She giggled to herself a little and I left her room. Grace could get over the fact she had a bad dream but that's because she doesn't remember what I do. She was too young to remember. As a child she constantly had horrible dreams and I'd wake every night to her screaming, her eyes would be blood-shot red, her skin covered in scratches formed while she was fighting deamonds away and she's barely breath. She grew out of that when she was around 7 but of course I never forgot. Whenever she would scream I'd hear myself screaming, the little me stuck in the attic and I'd get so scared that something really bad was happening to her so I'd rush to her room as fast as humanly possible and I'd pull her into my arms. Not for her but for me, so that I'd know she was safe and she was okay. One time I even ran up to attic, I don't know why but it was just my initial reaction and when I got up there I remembered that there was no way she'd be up there. I never put her up there. People always say that you tend to treat your children how your parents treated you but I am a clear example of how that's wrong, I've never once placed my daughter in the attic or the basement. I don't beat her senseless. I don't force her to do things she doesn't want to do. 

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