Chapter 0

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So, since the FF3 has ended, and I obviously still unable to let go my Jing and my Lu Cang, then, let's have a little more party.

And this time, I was experimenting on Wuxia kinds of thing for my fanfic, with Lu Cang as the focus of attention. Jing? No worry, he will also have 25% appearance. LOL.

To make it have a little dramatic feel, I chose these two songs in which (IMO) the lyrics and the music will be suitable for the fanfic.

Listen to the song first before the first chapter is published by this Friday. XD (I have translated the lyrics too. XD )

This song is what I'd like to imagine as the opening song :

Title : 要定你 (Set on You)

我是騷動 我是愛情的暴風 --- I am disturbance, I'm the storm of love.

愛主攻 不習慣被動 ---- Aggressive, not used to be moved.

在你心中 我是洶湧的暴風 ---- In your heart, I'm the violent storm.

佔據你 捲入我心中 --- seizing you, drawn you to my heart.

我的味道才配的上你的好 --- Only my scent could be compatible with the fine you.

怎能忍受別人給你不及格的愛 --- How can I bear other's giving you a failing love.

要定你 愛定你 不要和幸福賭氣 --- Set on you, loving you, don't bet with happiness

我決定 愛到底 不用懷疑我的決心 --- I have decided to love you until the end. Need not to doubt my determination.

要定你 愛定你 就算世界都為敵 --- Set on you, loving you, even if the world is my enemy.

我霸氣 只是我心太急 --- I'm overbearing only because I am too anxious.

因為我要定你 --- Because I have set on you.

在你心中 我是洶湧的暴風 --- In your heart, I'm the violent storm.

佔據你 捲入我心中 --- seizing you, drawn you to my heart.

我的味道才配的上你的好 --- Only my scent could be compatible with the fine you.

難道你會不想被我好好的擁抱 ---- Don't you want to be properly embraced by me?

I don't really like the video, so, just focus on the song. LOLs. XD

And I like to have this sentimental song as the ending :

Title : Scarecrow

我的双脚陷进爱中 --- Both of my feet were trapped in love
等了已好久好久 --- have been waiting for long long time
你的手从指间经过 --- Your hands pass through from spaces between the fingers
只能碰却不能握 --- Could only touch couldn't be held at all

心里好多话对你说 --- There are so many things that I want to tell you
你却看着我沉默 --- But you only look at me in silent
这样的相爱那儿有错 --- This way of loving is not wrong
连云也难说服我 --- Even fate would find it difficult to convince me

我不是个稻草人 --- I am not a scarecrow
不能动不能说 --- can't move, can't talk
已把爱紧紧绑心中 --- Love has bound my heart tightly
我不是个稻草人 --- I am not a scarecrow
没人爱没人懂 --- No one loves, no one understands
再难再疯我要结果 --- no matter how hard or how insane, I want a result
我不是个稻草人 --- I am not a scarecrow
看天亮看日落 --- Staring at the dawn, watching the sun sets
就等你给我一双手 --- Just waiting for you to reach out your hands to me
我不是个稻草人 --- I am not a scarecrow
不做梦不还手 --- with no dream, cannot striking back
别用泪水逼我放手 --- don't use tears to force me to let go

就算全界都笑我 --- Doesn't matter even if the world laugh at me
爱个人谁敢说错 --- loving someone, who dares to say it as wrong
就算全世界都怪我 --- Doesn't matter even if the world blame me
我只要你跟我走 --- I just need you to walk with me

Okay, until later everybody.

Oh, this is only short chapters fanfic. Not so long. XD

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