Chapter 3

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# Hi !  Hi ! 

Today is Flyday again... So fastttt..... XD 

What? Me is too fast? No No No. Not yet. ahhahaha.... I know, I just updated last wetnessday, what gives? 

Ahem, Last night was raining again, and this morning, weather is reallyyyyyy realllyyyy nice. XD  There is an Abra in my sighting, but me just too lazy to get up from my bed, hence, I let the Abra be free for today. Pfft. XD ---I don't really know what Abra has to do with my mood too, so, don't ask!

Do you guys miss me?? No?? Aiyaaaa... Why no miss me?? You miss Jing? Asking where is Jing?? No worry, Jing is by my side. tee hee. XD  Me and Jing are enjoying our free time while Lu Cang is busy with this adventure. wehehehehheehhe..... XD

Alright, let's resume our game of guessing the plot!  Come on guys. You can do it. You almost got it. XD  I will be generous for today. The clue is : Simple. LOL. Remember, my plot always very simple. Don't think too hard, just keep it simple. XD  Got it?? wehehehhehe...... XD

HHYL Fanfic - Reflection of the Moon

Chapter 3. 

Lu Cang was leaning on a big stone as he stared at the vast blue sky. Even if his eyes were on the sky, it was obvious that his mind was wondering further, higher than the sky, to a certain someone......

The cold breeze blew past his face.

That's right. Winter was approaching soon. It was mid-summer when he left the Capital and began his roaming in the Jianghu, the long and seemingly endless night, he had bitterly passed it for nearly five months. The autumn he loved the most, passed just like that without him having the time to appreciate the beauty of the pleasant season.

The first few months, he tried so hard not to remember that man, however, the more he fought it, the more the memories haunted him. For now, he just simply let his mind freely recall that man's unworldly beautiful face, the eyes that were even more beautiful than the twinkling stars, the lips that were fresher than the blooming flower, the hair that was even smoother than silk, the skin that was even fairer than a white jade, and most of all, the smile that could make Lu Cang's heart turn upside down.

Recalling everything about this man could only bring pain to his heart, but Lu Cang had no way to erase him from his mind. All he could do was wish, wish that time would help him to gradually alleviate the pain from his heart, that time would grant him the antidote to dilute this man's poisonous strong presence in his heart, and hoping that time would eventually heal him from this excruciating wound.

Heaving a long and heavy sigh, the stuffiness in his heart wasn't elated the slightest bit. In the end, he could only stare blankly at the clear blue sky.

While he was in a daze, the blue sky all of a sudden was obstructed. A pretty face of a young lady appeared right in front of him, blocking his eyes from the sky.

"Brother Hei Ying. Found you!" Wen Fei Fei called out to him excitedly.

For a moment, Lu Cang was not able to register in his mind who this lady was, but after his mind became clear, he finally remembered this girl. If memories didn't fail him, this lady was the daughter of Ye You Shen Expedition's leader.

"Miss Wen?"

"Yes. Brother Hei Ying." She was genuinely happy when she heard the one she longed for, for days and nights saying her name. She couldn't restrain her lips from forming a charming curve though she had vowed to play hard to get for a bit. "Fei Fei is joining your team for this mission."

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