Chapter 1

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HHYL Fanfic --- Reflection of the Moon.

Chapter 1

Xiao Sang was treading with his heavy steps towards his master's room. The warm water for his master's morning washing and brushing was in his hand. But it was not the cause to make his steps feel so heavy. Not at all. It was because of the news he had to tell his master. If only he could, he would rather not pass this kind of message to his master.

Receiving permission to enter the room, Xiao Sang could see his master who had just gotten up from his bed. The black shadow under his eyes indicating he had another sleepless night. Xiao Sang was extremely worried for him.

"Big Brother, His Majesty is asking for your presence." Carefully, Xiao Sang delivered the order from the Emperor, delivered by one of the Palace's messengers.

As expected, the handsome face fell into a gloomy mood at once.

"What is it again this time?" It was crystal clear, instead of being happy, Lu Cang was extremely annoyed.

"Today is Lady Qing's birthday. His Majesty is holding a banquet in the Lady's favorite garden."

Sighing heavily, although muttering to himself, still, Xiao Sang could clearly hear him. "It will not be surprising at all if one of these days I would be sent to Dali Temple again."

Lady Qing was Jing's current most favorite Concubine. She was a Princess from some whatever country that Lu Cang didn't bother himself to know. But the rumor about her beauty that it could even charm the heart of the Emperor was spreading like a wildfire on dry grassland.

This was not the first time Jing had a favorite Concubine. Within these past five years alone, Jing already had four or five favorites. And every time Jing had a new favorite Concubine, Jing would happily show them to Lu Cang, resulting in the favorite concubine's jealousy towards Lu Cang, and then, they would find a thousand and one ways to make Lu Cang disappear from their sight.

For the reason that the Emperor refused to kick out the Marquis, what was more convenient than having Lu Cang sent to the prison with the tightest security, a prison where only the Emperor and the people he approved of could visit the one who had been sent to this certain prison, Dali Temple.

For these past five years, Lu Cang had been a regular in Dali Temple. First, it was because he was 'glaring' at Jing's favorite Concubine, Lady...... Lady whatever, ---Lu Cang couldn't bother himself to remember each and every concubine of Jing's, when in actuality, Lu Cang was only randomly throwing his line of vision all around, but that Lady was crying and asked Jing to punish Lu Cang.

The second time was when Lu Cang 'spilled' hot tea on Jing's favorite Concubine's hand. Who was that again? A somewhat very talented painter or something like that. The concubine was crying, saying Lu Cang must have intentionally spilled the tea on her hand out of jealousy, and what was more ridiculous was, Lu Cang was sitting in front of her, in no position to spill whatever damn tea on her hand, it was her own carelessness that caused her to spill the hot tea on her own hand, and that damn Jing just had to spoil her and sent Lu Cang to Dali Temple just to make her satisfied.

Lu Cang didn't even want to remember the other ridiculous reason that caused him be sent to Dali Temple.

Even if every time, it was Jing himself who came to free him from the dark and cheerless prison room, still, Lu Cang couldn't help but feel that Jing had extremely wronged him. ---As if the intense love making afterward could make up for the list of wrongdoing Jing subjected him to! And it was intense due to Lu Cang's strong refusal and Jing's stubborn insistence.

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