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#HOlla all...

I am late for the updates but at least this is still Friday (in my timezone), yup, because my body refused to move..... aihhhhh.... Me already in the semi-hermitnation period. Yups. Winter comes earlier this year....... sigh........ 

So, this will be my last long HHYL FF for this year, I will be back next spring. XD

For the translation, of course I will complete it, only one long extra left after all. sigh....

Since me is entering me winter hermitnation period, if me not aswering your comments or messages, it doesn't mean me hate you or angry, it simply means me too lazy to move me fingers to reply, alright? Don't be negative. Xiu is very nice person la, LOLS. 

Oh, don't cry yet. me might post some shortfics once in a while. XD

See ya next time all. me love Jing. me love Lu Cang, so, sorry. me don't love you. 


HHYL Fanfic - Reflection of the Moon - 

Extra - Stars' Desperation

The snow solemnly covered the land with a soft but cold white blanket.

On that pure white snow, crimson flowers were scattered all around. No, it was not flowers, the crimson color was not the color of flower petals at all. It was the color of blood, frozen blood. A frightful sight to behold. A sight of a massacre that was too dreadful for the beholders.

Wen Fei Yang closed his eyes for a moment. He wanted to take a deep breath, but the scent of blood filled the air, leaving him with no other choice but to lightly inhale to ease his heavy heart.

His eyes turned to the kneeling on the ground Xiao Sang who was crying with no sound as a carriage left them in a rush. The youth's sadness was all too apparent as everyone could see him shrinking into a ball while diligently holding in his voice. His tears had formed a stream since earlier, at the very moment his eyes fell on the lifeless body, the body of his Big Brother. He was too afraid to break the solemn moment, consequently, he only could suppress his voice and bitterly cried without a sound. Only after he couldn't hear the sound of the hoofing horses that pulled the carriage that he finally let out his loud crying voice.

Everyone was still devastated by the sight that they forgot to react. Even someone like Zhang Zi Liu was also stunned by the dreadful sight.

Wen Fei Yang had heard the rumor about the extent of His Majesty's love towards this certain Marquis, but to the extent of annihilating almost all occupants of a town, ---bloody bodies, with terrible incomplete condition were scattered all along the street until this outer part of the town, the road as if had turned into a river of blood. ---It was obvious that Jing killed everyone who stood in his way. Wen Fei Yang simply shook his head for such a mess.

This was still the sacred land for most religious sects. Certainly they wouldn't stay quiet for such brutality in their territory. Fortunately, His Majesty ordered him to capture Zhang Zi Liu alive. He would be a perfect scapegoat for His Majesty.

After looking at the pale faces of Wen Fei Fei and Zhang Zi Liu, Wen Fei Yang slowly approached the still crying on the ground Xiao Sang.

"Let's go to Anhui. Lord Lu is not dead yet."

Xiao Sang lifted his teary face in disbelief.

"If he truly had died, his body would be all stiff, it has been two days after all. But except for his ghastly pale face, his body was still of a living person, and if my eyes didn't play a trick on me, I saw his eyelids slightly moving as his response towards His Majesty's words."

HHYL Fanfic - Reflection Of The MoonWhere stories live. Discover now