Chapter 5

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#Hola Everybody......

OW Yeah, this is yet Freeday, but here I am. Why? Because I am happy. Rain? Nope. It is because I have done with a troublesome project. OW YEAH. it is worth of celebration. So I want to celebrate it with all of you. XD

Muahahahhahahaha.... me so happy. Finally.

Oh, yeah, anybody miss me? Of course you do. Hohohohohohohohoho..... I know you do, don't deny it. Ahahahahhah..... XD

Okay, okay. Just read it. XD 

Congratulations for whomever that have guessed the plot correctly. tee hee. XD

HHYL Fanfic - Reflection of the Moon

Chapter 5.

Lu Cang was stunned.

Obviously he was the one who got pushed down, in what sense did this man view him as the one touching Wen Fei Fei? From start to end, both of his hands didn't move from the ground at all. And it was Wen Fei Fei who kissed him, not the other way.

Regardless, Lu Cang actually felt a sense of relief that Wen Fei Yang was the one who saw them. It would be totally embarrassing if You Dao Jin was the one who found them. He certainly would make an uproar because he obviously harbored feelings for Wen Fei Fei.

Wait, what did Wen Fei Yang say just now? Who allows you to touch her? Did it mean that, Wen Fei Yang also harbored feelings for Wen Fei Fei? ---Upon this thought, Lu Cang couldn't restrain his heart from feeling disappointed, or was it sadness?

Before he could completely put his feelings in order, Wen Fei Yang already came to them and roughly pulled Wen Fei Fei away. Just like that, he threw a delicate lady like she was nothing but a rag doll. Without sparing her his second glance, he pulled Lu Cang up by grabbing his front robes together.

"How dare you touch her! Who the fuck allows you to do so?"

Upon hearing this, even Wen Fei Fei couldn't hide her surprised expression. Whomever heard this, even a fool would realize that Wen Fei Yang was furious for Wen Fei Fei's sake. It sounded so much like a fit of jealousy. Did he actually love Wen Fei Fei in secret? Was it why he always got in the way whenever Fei Fei was trying to get close to Hei Ying?

And his rushing, out of his way all the way from Kuaizi to after Wen Fei Fei, was also because he had been harboring feelings for Fei Fei? ---Wen Fei Fei simply couldn't believe that the always cold towards her Wen Fei Yang would secretly have feelings for her.

From afar, Xiao Sang who saw Wen Fei Yang going back to the carriage after parting with Lu Cang, even though after dashing with all his might, he still didn't have the time to stop Wen Fei Yang. When he arrived at the scene, the scene that met his eyes was the scene of Wen Fei Fei sitting on the ground while gaping with whole face couldn't believe, staring at Wen Fei Yang who was grabbing Lu Cang by his front robe.

"Big Brother!" He shouted out loud out of panic. His plan was to let Lu Cang reject Wen Fei Fei directly, why it came to such a terrible end?

He intended to charge at Wen Fei Yang, to save his Big Brother from his evil clutch although he clearly understood that he was not his match.

"Xiao Sang! Move back!" In his flustered state, Lu Cang forgot to use his alias name and shouted out his real name instead. But it was enough to stop Xiao Sang from his suicidal attempt. Even Lu Cang himself couldn't be sure he could outpower this beautiful man who seemed weak upon a glance but surprisingly very powerful or not, thus, how could Xiao Sang even think about fighting him.

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