Chapter 6

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#Hello everybody, 

Guess what? today is WETNESSDAY..... wuahahahahhahahhaha..... me so happy, been laughing since afternoon. wuahahhahahha....  The rain is so cool....with wind and a bit storm. wehehehhee..... XD

Okay. Today no long talk talk, see ya next week. XD

HHYL Fanfic - Reflection of the Moon

Chapter 6.

What a nice sleep.

Waking up in the best feeling ever, Lu Cang couldn't help but refuse to leave this comfortable bed. His head was resting on the most comfortable pillow, not too hard but not too soft either, the height was just fine and put him in his utmost comfort. The comforter was warm and the scent was familiar. He felt like he was sleeping in his room back when he was still in the Palace, with Jing cuddling him all through the winter nights.

Perhaps this feeling was stemmed from his hidden yearning, the longing he kept in the deepest part of his heart, the longing he refused so much to admit. He missed Jing so much.

"Jing......" Calling out the name in a sigh, Lu Cang never expected that he would receive a reply.

"Hm?" Jing actually forgot that he was disguising as Wen Fei Yang and answered to Lu Cang's call. "Still so early, go back to sleep."

"Eh?" Lu Cang jolted from his sleep. Jing shouldn't be able to answer him. Jing was far far away from this place. Who is this person?

Opening his eyes, the face that came to his sight was of course Wen Fei Yang's face.

"You! What are you doing here?" Struggle to break free from Wen Fei Yang's strong arms, Lu Cang's face was crimson in color. He couldn't believe that he was sleeping peacefully in Wen Fei Yang's arms and actually regarded it as sleeping in Jing's arms. What could be more embarrassing than this?

"Xiao...... Xiao Sang said you were having nightmares, so, I came to comfort you." Jing almost made his second blunder of the day by calling him Xiao Cang, fortunately he remembered that he was not Jing for this moment. For Lu Cang he was Wen Fei Yang, some random stranger. Hence he quickly corrected himself.

"No way. Xiao Sang would never do such things."

Lu Cang's face was red both from anger and shame. This blushing Lu Cang was exactly one of Jing's most favorite expressions of Lu Cang.

Taking into consideration that men's body was being in its most active mood early in the morning, Jing lightly swept his eyes on Lu Cang's lower body, as he expected, ---or more correctly, the same as him, the bulk on that neither region was so obvious.

It was no way Lu Cang wouldn't notice the indecent eyes Wen Fei Yang threw at his lower part, but it was a natural reaction for all the men in the world, what was there to be ashamed.

Yet, Wen Fei Yang next unexpected movement made him almost bit his tongue.

Wen Fei Yang's hand in a sudden movement already grabbed his proud member and gave it a gentle knead. A moan uncontrollably escaped from Lu Cang's mouth. But before his hand could cover his mouth, Jing's other hand already caught it and placed it on his lower part, to touch Jing's member.

Lu Cang wouldn't want to be humiliated for the second time. Last time was more than enough reason for him to kill himself if not recalling he still had to protect Xiao Sang. No matter how much impression of Jing this man gave him, he was not Jing at all. It was not like Lu Cang wanted to protect his chastity for that unfaithful man. Not at all. This was about his pride as a man.

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