Chapter 2

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#Hello all... 

Yup. Today is not Freeday yet, but guess what? Today is WETNESSday.... hoorayyy... hoorayyy.... raining the whole night and this morning, the air is just too fresh and me being happy and in good mood. wehehehehhehehe..... XD

Alright, in chapter one, I saw a lot of plot guessing. Hmm... very nice indeed. Some even can make a story of their own with those complete plots. ahahahhaha..... XD and some even asked me to change the plot. WOW. ahahhaha.... however,  this chapter will give you a slight clue hope you can catch it so you can start to guess again. XD

Ahhhh.... Once again I warn you all : This Fanfic has no connection with the fanfic series. This is a stand alone fanfic. I believe all of you are very smart to figure out the time line yourselves, right? *winks winks*

HHYL Fanfic - Reflection of The Moon.

Chapter 2. 

The morning light had just greeted the world. The dew had yet vapored to melt with the morning breeze. The birds were still chirping happily to call all beings in the mortal world to meet another new day. 

Several Li from Tong'an grand gate, two figures were standing on a crossroad, each of them were holding the rein of their respective fine steed on their hands, seemingly still undecided on which way to go.

"Master, where are we going to? Back to Hangzhou?" Carefully asked the still gazing at the road Lu Cang, Xiao Sang stole a glance at his gloomy face.

Very early this morning, after getting released from Dali Temple, Big Brother all of a sudden said they were to leave the Capital. Abruptly, they made their preparations. Even if Big Brother didn't say anything, but he came back alone from Dali Temple, whole face darkened as if all the black clouds had descended upon his face, Xiao Sang already could make a wild guess.

Leaving behind everything in the luxurious mansion, Lu Cang and Xiao Sang only took several sets of clothing, ---Xiao Sang secretly took some valuables with him even though Lu Cang had warned him not to take anything that Jing gave him, but it was necessary for their journey, how could Xiao Sang let his beloved Big Brother to suffer the life of a commoner. Even when he was a mountain bandit, Lu Cang had never lived in poverty. Also, Xiao Sang himself had his own secret savings. He had never spent the money that Lu Cang gave him as his allowance.

They had just stepped out from the grand gate of the Capital. The garrison guards on duty were giving him such curious eyes when they saw him in his simple travelling clothes instead of in his usual official's uniform. When they politely asked about his destination, Lu Cang just stared at them with his cold eyes to shut them up.

After a decade, Lu Cang finally regained his freedom. But why was the air of freedom so suffocating?

He took a deep breath to fill his hollow heart. Throwing his gaze to look back at the faraway magnificent Palace, Lu Cang softly said to Xiao Sang, "No, we are not going back to Hangzhou yet. Let's take this chance to roam in Jianghu. Maybe it is the time for the Eagle to once again soar."

Of course, Lu Cang was saying that in a joking manner. All of the people in Jianghu already knew that Lu Cang, the Eagle of Hangzhou had become the Emperor's male pet, ---thanks to Jing and his extravagant procession, kept in the golden cage named Imperial Palace, how could he face the people with such shameful reputation.

"Big Brother......"

"Don't you want to see the world? The sky is high, the land is vast. Such a waste if we didn't have the chance to see the world while we still could."

HHYL Fanfic - Reflection Of The MoonWhere stories live. Discover now