Chapter 13: Madness

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Nick's POV

"But I do." A girl behind us says.

We all turn around, curious to see who it is. I can't believe my eyes. If I'm not mistaken, that should be...

"London!" Meghan screams.

"Wait.. Isn't she the girl that is supposed to be in the hospital? In Brazil?" Will asks.

"Yea.. She is.." I say, still confused.

"Then what are you doing here?" Ravi asks.

"I came to see David! Oh, and you guys, sorta." London says cheerfully.

"Funny." Meghan says.

"What's funny about that? It's a good thing right? Are you still mad at me for what happened at the airport?"


"Then what?"

"David is going to see YOU."

"Me? What do you mean?"

"He just hopped on his flight to Brazil, that's why we're here. In case you're wondering, Ravi and Nick are here to surprise me and Brayden and Will are some new friends." Meghan explains, pointing to every single one of us while she does that.

"Oh, nice to meet you guys." She waves shortly, then puts her focus on Meghan again. "So, he's on his way to Brazil?"

"Yes he is, Ravi told me that Niesrin told him that Lia told her that you were in the hospital. Lia confirmed when I was talking to her earlier, you were ran over by a truck." She shows London the conversation they had just before she showed up.

"Anyways, you said you knew what she meant." I say, after remembering how she made her appearance earlier.

"I actually didn't even know what you were talking about, just had to grab your attention." London says.

"Oh, great. Did you even go to Brazil?"

"I actually didn't, after Meghan told me about Jay, I suddenly realised why Lia was able to go to Brazil with me. She wasn't able to afford it by herself, thus why she brought Jay. Without telling me, knowing I wouldn't go if he's there."

"Call me Meg. So wait, did Lia and Jay leave to Brazil alone? Without you?"

"Yes they did."

"And you decided to come here?"

"Yeah, I wasn't really happy with the fact that I had to spend my whole summer alone at home." London looks down. "Sorry if I'm causing you guys trouble."

"Actually.. You aren't causing anything." Meghan states.

"Then who is? You guys have tons of problems because of me."

"No, not because of you. But because of.."

"Lia!" Brayden says. "I have no clue who she exactly is, but I can tell she's the one causing the problems."

"Brayden wins the jackpot!" Meghan says.

"Haha, cool!" Brayden smiles.

"What do we do now though?" Will asks.

"Niesrin." Ravi says and Meghan agrees.

"As in, we have to do her? Ew." I say.

"No idiot, we have to talk to her!" Meghan says. "You said it yourself earlier, no time for jokes, we have serious problems!"

We all split up into groups of two. Will with Brayden, London with Meghan and finally Ravi with me. We all go to different places, trying to find Niesrin. Londom and Meghan are going to try to call David as well and maybe question Lia. This is a weird situation.

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