Chapter 17: Telepathy

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London's POV

"David.. is.. in pain." Meghan says slowly.

What does she mean David is in pain? My poor little baby, what happened? I hope it's not that bad, but who knows..

"W-w-what, how?" Nick asks, he's confused as well.

"You know when I told you about telepathy right?" He nods. "Yeah, it's real. I can feel David's pain and visa versa, no joke."

"So, what do we do?"

"We need to help him! First, figure out what exactly is happening." I say.

"Good plan." Ravi says.

We all sit around Meghan, who's still suffering. It looks like she's being stung or something. She keeps getting little shocks, consistently. This probably means David is being hurt by someone, right?

"He's getting.." I wipe a tear away. "Beaten up."

"Y-y-yeah." Meghan while catching her breath, the pain looks unbearable. It must be really bad.

"By who? He's on an airport!" Ravi says and he's right. David should be on the airport over there.

"He ande urs a-ao." Meghan struggles to say anything.

"What?" Ravi says, as confused as I am.

"He landed hours ago." Nick translates. "It can't be that he's still at the airport. He would've flown back by now."

"Hm, I get your point." I nod.

"What if his plane crashed?" Ravi asks. Please let the answer to that question be no, I can't handle to lose my love! I can't help it and start to cry.

"Hey, it'll be alright. Don't worry." Nick pats me on my shoulder. "According to Meg's pain, which is consistent, he is hurt by someone. We have to find who."

"Yup. What if it's Lia?" Ravi says.

"Might be, she was lying anyways."

Without thinking, I try to call Lia, but she doesn't answer. I sigh, I wish I could just talk with her.

"Text her." Meghan says, who apparently isn't getting hurt anymore. I let out a relieving sigh.

"Okay." I open my phone once again.

xLondonx: Hey, how you doing?

Liaah: Just fine.

xLondonx: I lied, I'm dying inside.

Liaah: What?

xLondonx: Nvm. Any sign of David?

Liaah: No, sorry.

"Weird." I say. "She didn't get the song reference, that's new."

"You know what's weird?" Meghan says.

"What?" Everyone asks at once.

"She didn't answer her phone when you called, she didn't even text you!"

"So? She might've been busy." Ravi says.

"Can't be. She would text immediately after. Although, she did text back right away, when you texted her. Am I right or am I right?"

"Damn, nice thinking." Ravi frowns.

"I know, I'm genius." Meghan chuckles.

"Actually wait. What do you mean by all this?" I ask.

"She isn't the one behind the screen, someone else has her phone!"

"Ooo, I get it now! But now, who texts like that?"

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