Chapter 21: Shocked

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Meghan's POV

The plane has been increasing it's speed, lowering it's height. We're probably about to crash, so I cover my head and neck with my hands to be as save as possible. Because who knows, there is a slight chance of surviving a plane crash. I hope for the best and then, everything turns black.

"Meg! Meg!" I open my eyes and find Ravi shaking me with tears in his eyes. As soon as he notices I opened my eyes, he stops shaking me. "Thank god you're alive!" He smiles.

"Wait... it wasn't a dream?" I ask, still not sure whether it's real life or not.

"Sadly it wasn't, look around you, I was surprised as well." I look around and see pieces of the plane everywhere, looks like we 'landed' in a forest-like area. I remember saying goodbye to everyone before, I hope it wasn't necessary.

"Found anyone else yet?" I ask Ravi while standing up. The plane isn't wrecked that bad, the chance of people surviving is fairly high.

"Actually, Huahwi found me and I found you. That's it." He answers sadly. "Some other passengers are on the opposite side of this plane wreck."

"Oh." I simply answer and we continue the search for our friends. While doing so, we help other people along the way as well. The captain has contacted staff on land, they should be on their way to help.

"Meg..." Ravi slowly shakes my arm. "I think I found David."

I turn around to see David. "Oh my god. He isn't.. Right?"

"I'm afraid he passed away, he's way too pale, I can't hear his heartbeat and his neck is snapped really bad."

"I-I-.. Why him?" I say as tears start coming down. I sit down and grab David's hand. "I never thought I'd have to say goodbye to my best friend this early. We have made the best of memories together. We pulled each other through the worst and shitty times. I love you buddy. You'll always be my best friend no matter what." I start crying as I finish my little goodbye speech. Ravi and Huahwi were listening the whole time.

"He'll be missed." Huahwi says. "At least he completed one of his life goals, going to Vidcon with his best friend."

"He did. I'm glad he did." I smile. Huahwi brings David's body outside while Ravi and I continue searching.

"Meg! Ravi! Come help!" Lia is not too far away from us, trying to help someone out. As we come closer, we see that she's helping London. She is stuck underneath some stuff and we help her to get out. She looks heavily injured.

"H-h-help.... Me... Please.." London says softly.

"Don't worry we will. We'll get you to see a doctor once you're out of there." I say. Lia, Ravi and I don't take too much time to free London. Ravi carries her outside and lays her down on the ground.

"I'll stay with her. Go find Nick." Lia says.

"I'll go by myself. Ravi and Lia, you two have to talk." I say and walk away before turning around saying, "Right now."

I hear them sighing as I leave them behind. They need to talk, now they can do that while helping London. Or atleast staying by her side. The last person that I need to find is Nick.

"Huahwi!" I see him walking. "Behind you!" He turns around and motions me to come over, which I do.

"What's up?" I ask, as he's just standing there with no purpose.

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