Chapter 14

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Camila heard Lauren's mother yelling throughout the house and slowly opened her eyes as she smiled brightly once she saw the gorgeous sleeping beauty, stuck in her slumber next to her. She traced her thumb over temple of Lauren's head, before planting a soft kiss on the black haired girl's forehead. Camila pulled away from their embrace incase Lauren's parents were to enter as she shook the sleeping girl gently.

"What?" Lauren mumbled into her pillow with a huskily voice, which Camila found extremely sexy.

"Your parents are back." Camila patted her arm repeatedly until Lauren finally sat up from her bed.

"What time is it?" Lauren yawned as she rubbed her eyes sleepily and searched her room for a clock.

"'Almost 5:30pm." Camila smiled, watching how cute Lauren was when she was sleepy as her heart melted from the adorableness.

"We've been asleep for ages." Lauren laughed as she swung her legs over and sitting on the edge of the bed. "Shall we go somewhere?"


"Anywhere, as long as we can get out of this house." Lauren half smiled as she slowly took off her shirt and throwing it to the corner of the room.

Camila almost choked on the air from Lauren's unexpected strip and forgot she was staring right at Lauren. Lauren was quite confident with her body, so taking her shirt off in front of someone didn't exactly bother her. She kinda liked her figure, it always seemed to amaze people. Like when Lauren took her dress off in front of Bradley, the boy was completely speechless. It had the same affect on Camila. Lauren pulled out her sweater as she turned around to face Camila, who was sat with her leg crossed in the middle of Lauren's bed.

"You look more speechless than Bradley." Lauren scoffed teasingly as she pulled the jumper over her torso and finally snapping Camila out of her gaze.

"Who's Bradley?" Camila glared, raising a brow at the taller girl as she turned back around to put on her jeans. Shit, Lauren probably shouldn't of mentioned that.

"Just some guy from church, no one importa--"

"Why has he seen you naked?" Camila questioned as she folded her arms over jealously and watched Lauren pull on her pants.

"Long story short, I asked him to get the zip on the back of my dress." Lauren rolled her eyes as she strolled over to her desk and started brushing her crazy hair.

"Did you guys do anythin--"

"God no, ew!" Lauren crinkled her nose in disgust as she sat in her computer chair and looking at her fuzzy hair in the mirror.

"Good." Camila mumbled into Lauren's ear as she startled the taller girl. "Because I'm your fucking slut." Camila teased in a low toned voice as she chuckled after 5 seconds of being serious.

"Stop." Lauren rolled her eyes harmlessly as she placed her brush down on the desk and spun around on her chair.

"Why? I find it quite amusing." Camila chuckled as she sat on top of Lauren's lap, completely unaware that Lauren's parents were only downstairs.

"It's very embarrassing for me, also it was really horrible of me to say that to you." Lauren pouted as she slid her hands down Camila's back and hesitantly stopping at her lower back.

"Yes, you have permission to grab my ass." Camila laughed loudly as Lauren blushed heavily, letting her hands travel over Camila's ass and squeezing it aggressively.

Camila gasped from the sudden grip as she rested her face into Lauren's neck and the taller girl kissed across the side of Camila's head. Lauren massaged her butt with her fingertips as Camila grinded herself on Lauren and kissed her neck. Blinded by lust, Lauren only snapped back into reality once she heard foot steps pacing up the stairs and she shoved Camila off of her, causing the smaller girl to fall on the ground. Lauren panicked as she turned back on chair and pretended to be occupied by a bunch of papers at her desk.

"Laur-- oh hello Camila, I didn't know you were still here." Lauren's mother bursted through the door and smiled at Camila, who was still on the ground. "What are you doing on the floor?"

"I- ugh- I lost one of my earrings and I'm just searching for it." Camila lied quickly as she pretended to look around Lauren's carpeted floor and the taller girl couldn't help, but let out a small chuckle.

"Lauren, don't be so rude!" Her mother scolded. "Go downstairs and get poor Camila a drink of tea."

Lauren rolled her eyes, before turning around on her chair and dashing down the stairs quickly. Camila smiled awkwardly as she faked putting something in her pocket as if she had found her earrings. Within a minute, Lauren had brought the drink up for Camila as her mother left the two girls. Lauren sipped the tea as Camila glared at her evilly.

"That's my drink." Camila grinned as Lauren rolled her eyes again and handed the mug to Camila.

"We're leaving now, anyway." Lauren laughed as Camila placed down the hot beverage and followed Lauren down the staircase, then out to her truck.

The two girls climbed into the red pick up truck as Lauren grabbed out a metal flask from the side of the door pockets. Before Lauren could take a sip, Camila yanked the drink off of Lauren and shook her head shamefully. Camila put the lid on the flask as she raised her brow at Lauren and tucked the flask into her pocket. She hated when Lauren would drink and drive, it was dangerous and made Camila worry. Lauren sighed as she started the vehicle and drove off down the streets.

Camila opened the car's pocket in front of her, which was filled with CDs, cigarettes, alcohol and wrappers. She looked through all of Lauren's albums and sighed when she didn't know any of the songs. Lauren snatched one of the albums off of her and placing it into the car radio as she pressed a bunch of buttons, changing it to her favourite song.

Have you got color in your cheeks?
Do you ever get that feelin' that you can't shift the tide
That sticks around like summat's in your teeth
Ah, there's some aces up your sleeve
Have you no idea that you're in deep
I dreamt about you nearly every night this week
How many secrets can you keep?
'Cause there's this tune I found that makes me think of you somehow
When I play it on repeat
Until I fall asleep
Spilling drinks on my settee

Lauren placed a cigarette in her mouth as she stretched at the lighter and lit up the cig. She exhaled the smoke out of the open window as she let out a long sigh, already looking slightly relaxed after one inhale. Camila watched peacefully as she listened to the chill song with powerful lyrics.

(Do I wanna know)
If this feeling flows both ways?
(Sad to see you go)
Was sort of hoping that you'd stay
(Baby we both know)
That the nights were mainly made for saying things that you can't say tomorrow day

Crawling back to you

Ever thought of calling when you've had a few?
'Cause I always do
Maybe I'm too busy being yours to fall for somebody new
Now I've thought it through

Crawling back to you

Lauren tapped the stirring wheel in sync with the beat of song as she took another drag from the cigarette and passed it over to Camila.

"Shit, I forgot you don't smoke." Lauren muttered as she pulled the cigarette away from Camila, before she could grab it.

"How do you know?" Camila folded her arms and glared at Lauren, who just chuckled at her.

"Go on then." Lauren smirked as she handed the cig over to Camila, who happily took it off of Lauren.

Little did Lauren know, Camila had already smoked before. It wasn't a big deal, but she hadn't done it in a while. She held the stick perfectly between her fingers as she inhaled the smoke deeply and blew it out causally, without coughing or choking.

Lauren stared over at Camila with her jaw dropped completely. Lauren went to take the stick back off of Camila, but the smaller girl moved the cigarette away before Lauren could reclaim it. Camila smirked as she smoked the rest of the cigarette to herself and sort of enjoying it, considering she was only smoking to prove a point to Lauren. She flickered the cigarette butt out of the window as she rested her head back on the car seat and gazed out of the window at the sunset.

"We're here."

I kissed a girl wearing a cross (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now