Chapter 34

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Lauren spent her time hiding up in her room, waiting for her face to heal. Her parents thought she was having time off school for her injuries since they didn't want to be suspected, when really it was because Lauren didn't have a school to go to. She knew it would be impossible to change school because it was less than five months until her final exams and no school would take her with her delinquent record. So, she was stuck with no education or talents. She had no aspirations or desires to be anything. At this point, she wanted the world to swallow her whole. Her parents hadn't attended church since, nor had they spoke to her.

"Tell us the truth, Lauren." Clara demanded as soon as they entered house. Lauren stood on her spot awkwardly, glancing between the two eyes burning holes into her. She wondered what it was like to have any understanding family. To come home to the parents who would ask questions about school and not instantly order her back to church straight after a long hard working day at hell. She dreamt about coming out to her imagery parents and how they'd be accepting and loving. They would say something like 'love is love, Lauren, we love you regardlessly', but that was fantasy. Now she was facing two angry people who didn't love her unconditionally. Who only cared about reputation and religion. She wish she didn't despise religion as much as did, but growing up with it shoved down your throat and it dictating your life, was hard to not hate it. "Have you been seeing that girl?"


A rough hand of her father's was slapped against her cheek, causing echoes in the room and fierce faces to become more furious. She didn't know why she was lying because at this point there was no saving her relationship with her parents. They knew. They always knew, but were ignorant to the abyss. She held the side of cheek gently, but she stood up tall as she was use to being hurt because Lauren was always in fights. However, when she was hit by her parents it felt different, it hurt more, it left a deeper scar.

"Honesty." Her mother snarled.

"I have been seeing her, but I'm sorr-"

The back of Michael's hand came swooping down, crashing at the same cheek, which caused Lauren to stumble back. Luckily, she remained on her two feet but it wasn't long until her father sent another hit to the side of face and rather than the palm of his hand, he upgraded to his fist. Before Lauren could gather herself together, another punch went flying to her jaw. Then another and another and another. Michael only stopped when his fist began to hurt. Lauren couldn't get off the floor. Her face was completely destroyed and there wasn't a bit that didn't ache.

"You really are a disappointment." Clara said in a disgusted tone, scanning over Lauren as if she was scum, then the two parents left their child on floor. They had other matters to attend to; more important matters.

Lauren gazed at herself in the mirror and was thankful that the swelling had gone down. Unfortunately, she wasn't able to avoid Ally since she came over after school and had seen Lauren's face. Lauren lied, obviously. It was hard to persuade Ally, but she did. Ally still wasn't satisfied with the answers, but by Lauren's facial expression, she was dying for Ally not to ask anymore questions. She signed, applying more ice onto her face and taking more pain killers to numb the pain. The bruises had faded slightly, but the marks were still obvious. Lauren strolled out of the kitchen and saw her parents storm into the house, furious as ever. It seemed like her parents were only mad lately. She panicked since she was supposed to be in school, which she had been kicked out of, and she knew her parents would ask questions on her absence from school.

"You." Her father growled angrily.

"Wh-what?" Lauren stuttered, taking a gulp as she stepped back.

"Get upstairs and pack your stuff." Clara ordered, pointing upstairs. "Now."

Lauren paused for a brief moment and processed what she had just heard. Was her parents kicking her out? No, they wouldn't. They were mad, but definitely not mad enough to throw her out on the streets. She glanced between the two furious parents and scrambled upstairs before stuttering another word. She scanned her room in a frenzy; what would she take? She wasn't prepared for this. She wiggled her suitcase out from under her bed, then blew away the dust that had collected over the years. Bundling up her clothes, Lauren grabbed any items of garments until she had all her favourite outfits. She only wore her black boots so shoes were easy and her signature leather jacket was already attached to her. She grabbed her most important CDs and essentials such as toothpaste or a hairbrush. Lastly, she yanked her savings jar and chucked it into her case, not having time to count each coin. Perhaps they were going on a surprise holiday? Lauren could only hope and pray. Gripping her bag nervously, she tiptoed down the stairs where her parents were still waiting. She stopped in front of them and waited for the next commandment, hoping it wasn't what she thought it was going to be.

"Leave." Her mother demanded in a slow but threatening tone. "Forever."

"Please don't do this." Lauren begged, feeling her eyes fill up to the brim and a lump form in her throat from the suppression of tears.

"You are an abomination!" Clara roared. "We're not allowed at church until you're gone and you were lucky that we even kept you around the first time we caught you with that whore!"

"Mom... Dad..." Lauren sniffled, tears racing down her cheeks at full speed trying to out compete one another. "Please, I promise I'll be bette-"

"Get out my house now!" Clara yelled with all her might as Lauren jumped slightly at the volume.

Lauren sobbed quietly, shuffling out of the house with her bag rolling behind her. She hung her head in shame and continued to just cry and cry, whilst slowly walking down the street. She had been thrown out of her home. She had been kicked out of school. Now, she had no where. Well, she had one temporary place.

After walking fifth teen minutes in the pouring rain, Lauren reached her destination. She knocked lightly on the thick wooden door and it swung open instantly. Lauren lifted her head up, flashing a sad smile before stepping in to avoid the rain.

"Ally," Lauren began. "Thank you so much for doing this."

"You're my best friend, Laur." Ally reminded as she closed the door over. "Of course I'd do anything for you."

Times like this, Lauren was mostly grateful for true friends like this. The smaller girl smiled cheerfully, taking Lauren's bag and dragging it upstairs. She allowed her new guest to take a shower, whilst she put Lauren's clothes in the dryer since they complete soaked.

Now, both girls were settled in Ally's room. Lauren had confessed the ugly truth of her parents and Ally was shocked that she allowed this to go on unnoticeably. Lauren was sat on a chair, whilst she leaned on the window ledge and stared out at Camila's house. She was hoping to see Camila walk out onto the street, just so she could glance at that ungodly face one more time. Now that Lauren wasn't attending school, it was unlikely for her to see Camila.

"Go over there."

"What?" Lauren knitted her eyebrows together as she shot Ally a perplexed expression, lifting her head off the ledge slightly.

"Go talk to her, Laur." Ally encouraged. "I mean what's stopping you? Your parents are out of the picture, so you're free."

Lauren bit her lower lip, thinking in her deep thoughts before saying shyly, "What if they take me back?"

"Lauren..." Ally elongated her name, trying subtly get her message across. "You know it probably won't happen..."

"Yeah, I guess." Lauren frowned, sinking her chin back into the wooden ledge as she glanced around the empty street, but suddenly stamped her foot down. "Fuck them! I've had to live my life by a stupid book and ideologies. Now I deserve to be happy."

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