Chapter 33

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Nothing happened. Lauren awkwardly thanked her for helping her out and just left. She really was serious about leaving her alone and the realisation of having to actually leave Lauren had only just dawned on Camila. She needed to move on and mend her broken heart.

Meanwhile, Lauren's heart was feeling numb as she was ordered to the principal's office. It had been just a month since they last spoke and Camila was the only thing running through her mind. She spent most of her days feeling sorry for herself (even though she brought this on herself) and Ally had commented how miserable she had been without Camila. Ally knew everything about their relationship and knew about their friends with benefits before the exposure of their hook-up one night.

She knocked on the wooden door, before hearing a man's voice allow her entrance into the office. Lauren anxiously strolled in, placing herself into the chair opposite the grande desk where the principal was sat at in a leather seat. He wore a unreadable expression, whilst he sorted his papers out in front of him. His brown hair was slicked back with too much gel and he was dressed in a smart suit, clearly taking pride in himself. Lauren adjusted her leather jacket and crossed her legs over, leaning back into the chair carelessly.

"So, Lauren." Principal Lawerence spoke slowly. "Any idea why you might be in my office?"

"No, not really."

"Well, I've been informed by multiple of your teachers that your homework is slacking enormously." The man replied, glancing over his papers briefly. "Actually by all your teachers and that you failed every single one of your exams."

"I was in a car accident, as you know." Lauren quickly added.

"Ah yes." The principal responded. "However, we know about the difficulties, but we have compulsory support sessions set after school for you, yet you haven't attended to any?"

"I've been busy." Lauren answered awkwardly, diverting her gaze to the floor.

"Right." He squinted his dark brown eyes at her and cleared his throat. "You've been neglecting your studies, Lauren."

"I haven't, I've just been struggling." She half lied, fiddling with her fingers and taking a big gulp.

"Then why haven't you attended any support sessions or asked for help, because from every teacher it seems you don't even care, also you've skipped classes a few times." The grown man's tone became slightly aggressive. "By now, most people in recovery for car accidents would be able to make excellent progress, but you're not trying."

"Okay, I get it, I'll try more." Lauren sighed, discretely rolling her eyes as she went to stand up.

"Sit down, Ms Jauregui." He demanded, his voice turning hostile as he glared holes through the teenager. "You're a failing student and delinquent. I haven't forgot about the multiple fights or smoking, drinking and smoking cannabis on school property from the previous years."

Lauren sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose stressfully as she let out a huff under breath. If Lauren had a penny every time she had the word delinquent used to describe her, she'd be rich enough to travel the world five times.

"So, what do you want me to do?"

"Nothing, Lauren." The principal smiled mincingly. "I'm expelling you."

"For how long?" Lauren asked in a careless tone like she was use to hearing that phrase.


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