Chapter 3 ~ Nightmares

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Chapter 3 ~ Nightmares

***Jack's POV***



I shot straight up as I woke with a start, my hands in my hair as I attempted to massage my pounding head.  I looked around the room trying to figure out where the hell I was.  I couldn't see three inches in front of my face and the only sounds I could hear were drops of water splashing to the ground on my hands, which was cold even for me!  

I tried to stand up but fell down again, it felt like there were tonnes of bricks on my back keeping me pinned down.  Eventually I managed to stand up after falling back down numerous times.  When I got my balance my eyes started to adjust a little to the darkness, from what I could see it looked like I was inside of what looked a cave.  

There were stalactites and stalagmites blanketing the cave floor and sealing, I had to be careful where I stepped.  The floor was slippery and in some places covered with cave moss.  The inside of the cave was very damp which caused the noise of the dripping water I heard as it slowly trickled down the stalactites.

Suddenly a bright light appeared straight in front of me, blinding my vision completely.  I covered my eyes and hid behind a close by stalagmite, hoping not to be spotted by who or whatever was casting that light.

After my eyes adjusted to the brightness I decided to take a peek at what was casting the light. 

What I saw shocked me to the point that I could no longer breathe.

It was the new guardian.  The girl that was shown on the crystal was standing a few feet away from me, her eyes staring just above where I was hiding.  The light seemed to be coming from behind her but I couldn't see what was casting it.  I reached behind me for my staff but couldn't feel anything, I turned  around only to realise... it wasn't there.  Great! 

I turned my head back around to see that she was now facing towards the light, staring at the ground. With all the courage I mustered I slowly walked out from behind the stalagmite and walked towards her, my heart pounding in my chest so loudly I was sure that she could hear it.

I was now standing directly behind her seeing that she was only a little shorter than me but still quite tall.  I was surprised she hadn't noticed me.  Either that or she had always known I was here and was waiting for the right moment to attack!  

I slowly lifted up my right hand and hesitatingly placed it on her right shoulder.  Her head jolted up a little taking me by surprise and immediately remove my hand. 

Slowly she turned around to face me, her head still staring at the floor and eyes hidden by her hair.  I could just see her mouth which was slightly open as she was breathing heavily, like if she were nervous or had been crying.  I answered my own question when I saw streaks of dry tears running down both sides of her face.  Why had she been crying?  

I started backing up as she slowly lifted her head to reveal bright red eyes instead of the beautiful pure white and pale blue ones I saw in the crystal.  Her head was still tilted down a little but she was staring at me through her hair, as if she were a lioness and I was her pray. 

Out of the corner of my eye I could see the very faint outline of a person walking forward from the light but I couldn't make out who it was.  Until they spoke.

"Finnish him."  


The girl walked forward slowly and I stared in shock and she pulled out a dagger that she had been hiding in the side of the belt on her shorts.  I backed up quickly until I hit a cave wall.  She kept walking forwards until she stood directly in front of me.  More tears were spilling from her eyes as she whispered two words into my ears.

(IN EDITING) When Will You Trust Me? (Jack Frost x OC)Where stories live. Discover now