Chapter 4 ~ Secrets

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Chapter 4 ~ Secrets

***Jack's POV***

About an hour later we finished 'cataloguing' Ice Blade's powers, abilities, speed and other stuff like that! She could do things like blend in with her surroundings really well, and she had the ability to shoot ice instead of fire.

(AN: If you've ever seen How To Train Your Dragon 2 then it looks like the Bewilderbeasts ice breath. If you haven't then look it up!!!)

North was just finishing writing a few things in a book used to store information on new spirits or mythical creatures. While we were waiting I took this time to ask Ice Blade a few questions.

"Hey, Ice Bla-" She wouldn't let me finish.

"Just call me Blade. Everyone does."

"Well okay, Blade. I know this might be a personal question but.....where are the others? Arctic Demons I mean." Arctic Demons was the name of her species of dragon.

"Um, well... I-I'm the only one... left that is." She looked down, the ground suddenly becoming more interesting!

"Oh, I'm sorry I didn't mean t-" She cut me off again.

"It's ok... it was a long... LONG time ago!" She explained.

"How long?" I just realised we never asked how long her species lived for, or how old she was.

She was about to answer but was cut off by a large slam blaring through the speakers as North closed the book, causing the speakers to make a high pitched noise. The noises made Blade cringe and tuck her head between for-legs, and wrap her wings around her head to try and dim the sound. She had extremely sensitive hearing.

"NORTH, THAT IS PAINFUL YA KNOW!!!" I yelled at him angrily.

"Oops! Sorry Ice Blade!" He yelled back apologetically.

"SHE PREFERS BLADE!" I yelled back. We've been doing this all day, he couldn't hear me unless I yelled at the top of my lungs.

"What do you mean 'She deserves a spade'?"

I slapped my palm to my forehead and sighed whilst shaking my head and rubbing my temples in annoyance.



I turned back to Blade to see her roaring as if she were laughing and threw her head back with clouds of blue mist pouring from her jaws. I assumed that she was laughing and smiled to myself.

After we had spent a few more minutes down in the ice cave, Blade's massive stomach started rumbling so loud we thought she was roaring again! The sides of her jaw flushed a shimmering blue, which I assumed was her way of blushing!

"Oops! I didn't realise how hungry I was." She said standing up from her lying position and stretching her hind-legs before walking around the cave looking for something. Everyone including me stared at her in confusion.

"Uh... Blade... what are you doing?" I asked not having a clue what she was doing.

"Looking for a way out." She replied so casually as if it was no problem.

"Ah....of course you were!" How could she think of leaving while Pitch was after her?!

"Well how do you expect me to hunt for food?" She asked in and obvious tone. "You don't want me to starve do you?"

I looked at her before turning to North and asking if she could go and hunt. He stroked his beard as he thought about it.

"Can't we get your food for you?" He asked, trying to find a way to keep her here and safe.

(IN EDITING) When Will You Trust Me? (Jack Frost x OC)Where stories live. Discover now